The best Chinese movie "Farewell My Concubine"

in movie •  2 years ago 


Li Bihua's masterpiece "Farewell My Concubine", I haven't read the original book, only the movie. I have heard people tell this story before, and I know a little bit about it. I saw a few clips on TV again. has been brooding. In order to show respect for this long-awaited good film, I bought a genuine DVD for the first time ever. Then I finished it on a winter night wrapped in a quilt and holding black tea.

Like all Li's works, in addition to the magical beauty of the vicissitudes of life and the reincarnation of the years, the love and hatred in the film are deeply rooted, and the characters are vivid, and it seems that they want to live in front of their eyes. Zhang Fengyi's small building is naturally arrogant and unparalleled, but Leslie Cheung's butterfly clothes are heartbreakingly soft. On the red scorpion, Farewell My Concubine, strength and softness complement each other, chivalrous tenderness, I am afraid that I won't be fascinated by many women, and I will never end the redemption? Amitabha.
After reading it, I was alone in the warm darkness. Thoughts are still deep, and waves of huge shocks shake, wake up from a dream. It was another unfortunate accident when he passed by a high-level dwelling, was hit by a falling object from the sky, fell on the head, and had a concussion for a few days. But in the midst of such a violent shock, lechers such as me still have time to filter the men in the film one by one in my mind, and suddenly found that, in the end, a night pearl is left in the heart, it is not an overlord, nor is it Dieyi, but Yuan Siye.
——Yes, it is the reactionary drama tyrant Yuan Shiqing, Yuan Siye, played by Ge You, who smiled and showed two big teeth with a smile.
And don't think that I'm a poor wife who wants to be a reactionary leader. Leaders say there is no love for no reason (and no hate for no reason) in the world. Wait for me to detail the various benefits of the Fourth Master, one by one.
Yuan Siye made his first appearance after the performance of "Farewell My Concubine" in Xiaolou Dieyi. At that time, Yu Ji, the king of the king, was the fragrance of the moon and the flowers, which melted the pulse, and looked at both of them in the mirror.
The fourth master broke into the two-person world at this time. The first appearance is "a little gift". In the butterfly box is a full set of pearl and diamond heads. it is good. It is normal for rich people to support actors and spend money like dirt. But there is a sense of luxury. As the theater manager said: "It is said that the Queen Mother Lafayette, she was an old man who enjoyed dramas, did she have such a hand? - No!"
Fourth Master came to Dieyi. The purpose is clear and not hidden. But Dieyi didn't see him. The request to "let go and sit down" was first rejected by Xiaolou's bluntness, and then by Dieyi's grievance. Fourth Master is a person who has experienced the scene. In this small scene, he is an annoying villain, and of course he has a bright mind. He immediately took off his hat, bowed, and retreated. Not even a word of nonsense. It's not surprising that he didn't jump on the spot - this kind of self-discipline is always there, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get this far. What is rare is that there is a certainty in that calmness, that the butterfly can't fly if it is right. There is no scheming insidious. Just a calm but firm confidence. Perhaps he believed that in addition to money, he also had other things and was worthy of being captured alone.
In this small game, the battle between the bully and the drama bully, the five-seven-step battle, laid the groundwork for the first time.
He is not anxious, not dry, not discouraged. From this, I believe that he is not only the last moment of carnal pleasure, that "skin promiscuous idiot". He also knows how to enjoy all kinds of ups and downs in the pursuit process, inhumane and delicate feelings.
The process is the end. In addition to courtship and love, in this long and tortuous life, the fourth master should also gain more impressions and tastes in the process than others.
In the first round of face-to-face, the fourth master is a rich and sensitive man who knows how to chew on life. It is a person who has fought in the world, so he learns to deal with it plainly.
The fourth master never used very despicable means, so he never caused a rift between the two. Believe that in pursuit (whether it is a man or a woman), even if he is full of desire, he still retains the principle of not doing something. On the contrary, in the small building, a chrysanthemum was inserted in the horizontal direction. This is true male and female love. Dieyi's dream of "farewell my concubine with my brother for a lifetime" finally turned into a cloud of smoke.
When Xiaolou and Juxian were engaged, Dieyi was lying on her back alone on the chair. Unremoved makeup is gorgeous and mesmerizing, her long hair is scattered, and her eyes are dark. It is an impossible love of blind despair. In front of him is the mirror that once reflected the figures of Overlord and Concubine Yu. Overlord is no more. He is someone else's husband. The days of being inseparable will never return. The mirror at this moment represents Dieyi's empty heart.
So the fourth master reappeared. In the lens, we see a long quill, slanting into the mirror. Fourth Master tries to enter Dieyi's heart.
"This pair of quills was collected from the tail of a live pheasant. It's really rare." - I don't know if he was saying that Dieyi was rare or that his heart was rare. The lings collected from the tail of the live pheasant are cruelly superimposed in the film, entangled in the film, the love and hatred that cannot be redeemed, and the beautiful Beijing opera art that has been repeatedly destroyed in the troubled times. - Talking too much for a while, digressing, come back and talk about Fourth Master.
In the fourth master's house, Dieyi saw the sword that she made a wish to give to her brother when she was young. For him, that sword is about the majesty of his lover, about a stubborn belief since childhood, about Yu Ji's complete understanding and sustenance of the overlord. He's going to get it. With a look, the fourth master knew what he meant. He said, "This sword was acquired with great trouble when the Zhang family fell." He added, "You and I don't say money. That word is really indecent." I think he is in the city. The tone of voice is slow and heavy, so crazy and qualified, so proud of having capital. ——It can also be seen from this that if you dare to say "that word is really indecent", you must have a certain amount of wealth, or you must be someone who has tasted the taste of wealth and wealth, otherwise, it is not that you really don't eat the fireworks of the world (I haven't seen such a person yet. I have seen it), it is pretending to be lofty, or it is maddening that I do not know suffering, let alone life and death.
Therefore, the sword is given to the beautiful woman.
Dieyi is one of the four masters who look at it again and again, and it is rare to find a peerless beauty in the city. As for Dieyi herself, the identities of the male Lang and the female Jiao E have been reversed all their lives, and they have never been clear. For the fourth master, whether Dieyi is male or female is no longer important. The important thing is that on Dieyi, he saw the so-called perfect incarnation.
I believe that the fourth master appreciates Dieyi far more than love. Love is an unreasonable deep entanglement, to be crazy, to possess, to suffer from jealousy, and to linger. Just like Dieyi against a small building. We can completely fail to pick out what is good about a person and still love him, or we can love each other forever and still be strangers to each other. Love does not need to be understood, just obey its arrangements. But Fourth Master to Dieyi, no. The benefits of Dieyi, the beauty of Dieyi, what the public sees, he understands, what the public can't see, he also understands, and even what Dieyi doesn't know, he also sees. Fourth Master is such a sensitive person. He took a look at the beautiful things in Dieyi's soul.
A smile of eternal spring, a cry of eternal sorrow. This situation is none other than you, and this appearance is none other than you. When the fourth master said this sentence, he was not referring to just Dieyi's appearance. Basically, Si Ye, like Dieyi, is an artistic lunatic. In the art of Beijing Opera (and Kunqu Opera), he has been immersed in his whole life and dedicated all his heart and soul. As Dieyi said, Beijing opera is all about the situation. Because of the situation, two or three dragon sets shuttle, it is a thousand troops. Because of the situation, on the empty stage, these people divided flowers and willows, climbed mountains and mountains, attacked cities and plundered land, and vividly performed the joys and sorrows of a lifetime of talents, beauties, emperors and generals. Beijing Opera is really an illusion of the heart. The situation is something that cannot be seen or touched. So when the fourth master and Dieyi, on and off the stage, two idiots who are almost obsessed with Beijing opera, meet at first glance, there is a shock of cloud and sea. At that moment their souls were connected. They are all people in the situation.
So for the fourth master, Dieyi is by no means just a beautiful actor. On Dieyi, he saw the transformation of Beijing opera. That's what he's been crazy about all his life. For him, the butterfly clothing is already a symbol of artistic perfection. Fourth Master has no chance in his life to be on the red scorpion and dedicate himself to his ideal art. He must roll around in the world of fame and fortune, which is no choice. But in Dieyi's soul obsessed with acting, he can see another self, a pure reflection. The fourth master's love for Dieyi is actually a narcissistic element and an expectation for his own perfection. With such a fanatical obsession, it is impossible to tell whether the love is an artist or a person. But his attitude towards Dieyi is still restrained. Not falling into the extreme of love or destruction.
In fact, Dieyi's gender is really not the focus of this love affair. Si Ye is not really gay. He loves Dieyi not because he is a beautiful man, but because he is a beautiful person. A person who represents the ultimate realm of ideals. I believe that if Dieyi was a woman with the same superb artistic level, Fourth Master would still fall in love with her. I also imagined that if the fourth master really fell in love with a certain woman, he would definitely know her beauty and the essence of her soul better than the woman herself—unless he met an equally sensitive woman—but It's not very likely. After all, there are not many such people.
He is someone who really understands Dieyi. He said that when watching Dieyi's performance, for two or three moments, he was in a trance, suspecting that the reincarnation of Concubine Yu had reappeared. ——Actually, in the original meaning of this film, Dieyi was originally given to Yu Ji's soul. A burning soul who lived and died for the overlord. What the fourth master saw was exactly Dieyi's true form.
Not crazy, not live. This is a sentence Xiaolou used to evaluate Dieyi twice. When I said this, I cried out in a frenzy in Dieyi: "I want to sing with you for a lifetime. One year, one month, one day, one hour is not a lifetime!" At the time of the "Great Reform of Modern Opera", Dieyi, who insisted on "situation", opposed modern opera (actually, it was the roughening and politicization of Beijing Opera) at the discussion meeting, and then stayed out of the house. When Xiaolou said, "You know how to sing opera all your life, and you don't come out to see where all the operas in this world come out", Dieyi's faint voice came from the door: "Why did Ji Yu die?" ——Xiaolou cursed out that sentence and left angrily.
At that time, I was thinking that if Fourth Master was here, he would definitely understand. Dieyi's persistence. Persistence in love, perseverance in art. Dieyi is such a pure person who is obsessed with ideals. His soul is a fire, and after looking for a direction, it will burn all the way without turning back, even if the jade is burnt.
The building does not understand. Xiaolou and Dieyi are not the same. He is the overlord of the world, and he expects some material, real, ordinary happiness. He doesn't care about this world. He also understands the general trend and knows how to follow the trend. He is an ordinary person. Normal and normal. And Dieyi is a lunatic. Throughout her life, Dieyi only lived in her own heart and only followed her inner voice. They are not of one world.
And the fourth master, I believe that if the fourth master is here, he will understand Dieyi. Not crazy, not live. But real love and real art are originally a kind of madness. Dieyi is the ultimate person. He arrived at the true meaning of emotion and art by means of a natural fanaticism.
In terms of external actions, Fourth Master may not be as decisive as Dieyi. But, he will understand him. They are one kind of people. Because of excessive sensitivity and aesthetics, it has been burned.
The fourth master once asked Dieyi: "Would you like to be my confidant in the world?" - In fact, in this world (in this movie), the real confidant of Dieyi is only the fourth master. Whether Dieyi agrees or not, admits it or not, he and the fourth master are already a pair of lonely confidants in the world.
The building is not. He has never entered Dieyi's inner world. In his eyes, he only saw a junior brother who was too obsessed with drama and too obsessed with him. And Dieyi is Yu Ji. Yu Ji who died for her inner perfect persistence. Xiaolou is an ordinary person. Dieyi and Siye are the souls of two bears.
There is one detail in the film that moved me very much (there are too many details that moved me, let's just pick one): the Japanese army occupied Peiping. In the theater where the banner of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity was hung, Dieyi was drunk on the stage. The neon clothes and feathers are fluttering with the peerless elegance. Countless anti-Japanese leaflets were suddenly thrown from the top of the head. The light goes off suddenly. The noise under the stage. No one cared about the concubine on the stage anymore. In the chaos, only Dieyi, alone in the darkness, under the flyers, continued her unfinished beautiful dance steps, without any stagnation. In the chaos, only the fourth master, alone in the upstairs box, continued to stare at Dieyi in the dark for a while without being distracted at all.
This is the virtue of art and the soul of art. Regardless of the sudden change in the outside world, who is in charge of ups and downs in this world today, or whether anyone is watching. On the stage, Concubine Yu is Concubine Yu, Concubine Concubine is Concubine Concubine, and in the dark, you must insist on finishing the scene. It was no longer a performance for anyone to see, it was a sacrifice to art. And Fourth Master, even if he couldn't see it, he knew that Dieyi was continuing. They have so much respect for art and so faithfulness to their hearts. In the film, there are such artistic virtues and artistic souls as Mr. Guan, who is a professional, there is Dieyi, and there is the fourth master.
When the fourth master applauds Dieyi alone in the dark, the relationship between them is no longer the actor who sells his body and the uncle who buys laughs. Those are two pure souls that are connected, and in this impetuous world, they are worth cherishing each other.
When the rioting crowd finally followed the applause of the fourth master to look at Dieyi dancing alone in the dark, the lights came back on and applause came from everywhere. That glorious moment. (I got excited while clutching my teacup under the duvet).
When the Nationalist government was in power, Dieyi was tried for traitor because he sang for the Japanese, and the fourth master had an amazing performance.
First, Xiaolou and the manager visited Fourth Master and begged to help Dieyi. Xiaolou said that Dieyi was rescued, and the silver package of the two brothers (forgot how many years) belonged to the fourth master. The fourth master said: "Without your silver, you can't afford to feed these birds when you think I am?" - It is conceivable that the world has changed over time, and the fourth master has probably also disappeared. Although, Yu Wei is still there. But this light sentence does not make people feel negative, nor does it seem to be forced to save face. The fourth master knows his own foundation and strength, and also knows how to not lose his dignity in the gradual decline. Those who have seen the ups and downs, know that in this world, after you sing, I will appear, and the rise and fall are normal things. The so-called "keep the poor, endure the rich", between the brows and the eyes, is the tolerance.
Of course, the fourth master is not a noble. But in his bones, that kind of loftiness that transcends the world of flies and dogs is not a natural noble, at least a strong person, a wise person. Bright and clean in the world.
He still hasn't forgotten the round of "The Overlord returns to the camp to see Yu Ji, should he take five steps or seven steps?" many years ago. At this critical time, I sincerely propose. This is the seriousness of the fourth master in art, and it is also the willful and jealous mind of the fourth master as a flesh and blood person. If you want to knock down that man, you will show it to Dieyi, who is not at the scene. Through the movie, the fourth master was jealous and played with his temper, and this was the only place to reveal it calmly.
Xiaolou finally gave in. Followed by the wonderful addition of Juxian. Cheerful and poignant words, every word and every word has the back article. In this quick psychological battle, human nature is stripped away, layer by layer, and it is extremely beautiful.
In court, in the face of the prosecutor's accusation of "Cheng used obscene words and music, humiliated our national dignity, and destroyed our national spirit" (the original text is not clear, but the meaning is so), the fourth master stood up calmly and said: "Fang Cai The lewd words the prosecutor said,"--a moment of silence, and then a sudden slam on the railing--"It's really absurd!" The audience was shaken without a trace of sound. The Fourth Master also said: "The people who sang that night, the Peony Pavilion is 100% off.As we all know, it is the most quintessential Chinese culture. Why in the mouth of the prosecutor, it turned out to be obscene lyrics? So slandering the essence of national drama, I don't know who is specifically humiliating my national dignity and destroying my national spirit? "He said in a serious manner, but he was in the courtroom and won applause from the audience.
This scene is the most positive display of the tough, fierce, fierce and mighty side of the fourth master's character. Rather, he used extremely slow, extremely slow, and extremely baggy language. It is the spirit of dragon and tiger, and there is no need to shout. In the whole movie, the fourth master didn't do anything serious. From day to night, they hold actors, please, seduce, flirt, and even fall in love with the distorted flesh. But in this one, we can imagine how calm and undisturbed this man would be if he was in a big event, and what a mainstay. A person who is at the crossroads of life and can be entrusted with the overall situation.
The most dazzling moment of the fourth master is perfectly displayed. Just like a drowsy beast, it doesn't look very good at ordinary times, but when I open my eyes, there is a brilliance that captures the stars and replaces the sun.
What follows is the end—not the end of the movie. It is the ending of the fourth master.
Fourth Master's ending is death. After liberation, he was shot in a campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries.
In the movie, it is impossible to see what the heinous things the Fourth Master has done. We can only hear some abstract and empty accusations, such as words like fish and flesh people, but we don't know what kind of fish and flesh law he is. His final name was "play tyrant Yuan Shiqing". In the midst of the chorus of "Down, Knocked Down, Knocked Down...", he was sentenced to "not killing is not enough for the anger of the common people" - tied with five flowers, pushed out and shot.
Fourth Lord died tragically. But in the big era of changing colors and powers, such an ending is also common. Political history, cloud and rain, do not ask the common people. It's hard to say who is right or wrong, and innocent sacrifices can only be recognized. Whether the Fourth Master was wronged or not, we have no way of knowing. But that way of dying would be unpleasant (in fact, it would be unbearable to die anyway). It is the betrayal of relatives, the end of the hero. Under the great power of the times, the unparalleled heroes are only mustard dust, watching themselves, shattered into dust.
The last moment of my life is full of reproach and insults. Deprived of the basic dignity of dying as a human being. No sympathetic eyes. No nostalgic voice. You can even predict that after your death, no one will shed a single tear for yourself. Fourth Master stood on the high platform, his slender body was forced down, and a name plate representing shame was stuck behind his neck. His name was marked with a blood-red cross. The qualifications as a "person" have been cancelled. For the last few minutes, he was nothing but a walking corpse to be tortured and insulted at will.
He was forced to bow his head humbly.
Death is just a moment, not terrible. But the previous mental devastation was devastating. He must watch himself die alone. has been scorned by the whole world.
A resounding voice pronounced his death. The crowd tore his name. In the midst of the distorted faces and the boiling scolding, the fourth master raised his head proudly and took four square steps to be escorted to the execution ground. His play is over.
The fourth master has been obsessed with drama all his life, and has always missed the stage. But in the last act of his life, he was finally able to complete it on stage. He exited his life in the most perfect posture. That is the pace of a king. That was the ultimate, peerless discount in a long performance. The dust has settled.
Life is like a play. In the end, the fourth master lived up to the play, the play, and the fourth master.
The situation he had been searching for all his life was finally accomplished in this way.
I believe that when the fourth master stepped out in four square steps, he raised his head and saw the crowd of people under the stage raising their arms and shouting to knock them down - at that moment, he had no resentment towards them in his heart. In the fourth master's heart, the world's feelings are so thorough, he should know that these people, like him, cannot be independent in the times. He should also know that these people may not really believe his crime, nor may they really hate him. They shouted, they cursed, they knocked him down, and in the end, they killed him -- just to protect themselves. And - already. In a turbulent world, everyone is cursed. The vastness - China, has no mercy. He must know.
Prosperity is over. Speechless. Fourth Master's final face was calm. He died calmly, not bravely, but saw through.
The world has gone mad. Rather, go home.
The film places people in extremely chaotic and brutal situations. So in the crushing and crushing, the despicability of human nature was forced out, and the nobility of human nature was also forced out. The extreme environment is like a juicer, which squeezes out the blood and tears of people, so that we under the screen can smell the blood and fragrance in the deepest part of life.
Fourth Master finally returned. When he left the stage, I was beating the gongs and drums of a hero for him in my heart.
I don't know what the fourth master was thinking at the last moment of his life. It was the extravagance of this life that was red and green, the sins of the past, the Kunqu Opera in Beijing opera, or the night when lightning flashed and thundered, in the heavy rain, holding a sword and hooking up the mask and playing Farewell My Concubine with butterfly clothes. Maybe he didn't think about anything.
In the rain, Dieyi's dismal makeup melted. Phoenix eyes and red lips, rouge red tears. It is fixed as the eternity in the heart of the fourth master.
After seeing the scenes of the Cultural Revolution, Xiaolou gave in under pressure and exposed Dieyi in public for self-defense. And draw a line with Juxian. I know that chaotic human nature is understandable. However, I also know that if the fourth master is still alive, if the fourth master encounters the same situation, it will not be the case.
Xiaolou has always been an ordinary man. For him, Beijing opera is just a skill to make a living. Feelings for him are only the sustenance of happiness in the world. Therefore, under enormous pressure from the outside world, he can give up all this. But for Dieyi and Fourth Master, that is the ultimate destination of life. There is no need to insist on it deliberately, it is already symbiotic coexistence. Studying the alchemy stone, the red cannot be destroyed, and the firm cannot be taken away.
Although, in a crazy society, whether you are faithful to your own soul will not end well. The small building went with the flow, Dieyi and the fourth master insisted on their pursuit. In the end, the jade was broken and the tiles were not complete. After so many questions and struggles, the film left us nothing but desolation.
In this life, Xiaolou was not Dieyi's confidant. He's just a bully on stage. A man who longed for ordinary tea and rice, a young wife and a young man, suffered a strong fateful feeling. The plain life he wanted was finally destroyed by this relationship.
In fact, the real overlord is the fourth master. Great value. Deep understanding. Connected souls. Until the final heroic exit. He has it all.
My final definition of Fourth Master is that he is a sad overlord. The overlord who was not in love with Yu Ji.
Farewell My Concubine. In this life, Overlord and Concubine Yu missed in the reincarnation.
Several main characters in the film, Xiaolou, Dieyi, and Juxian, have vague and indeterminate personalities at the beginning. In the evolution of the film, their personalities also grew up little by little in the plot. With the ups and downs of fortune, they are also constantly changing. Only the fourth master has been a completed life since he appeared on the stage. All that has been experienced is just a manifestation of this soul here and there. The fourth master is always the fourth master. It is a mature man who has been stereotyped in the film.

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