RE: Avengers Endgame - Time Travel Explained #2

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Avengers Endgame - Time Travel Explained #2

in movie •  6 years ago 

No they didn't go back five years because Tony was Selfish. It's because they want the infinity stones to remain destroyed. Also in the words of the ancient one: It's the infinity stones are the ones that makes alternate timelines and once you bring them back to when you borrowed them, you destroy the alternate timelines. I don't know about the soul stone though.

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I watched the part of the movie where The Ancient One and Hulk/Bruce Banner talk on Youtube (here) a few times. The Ancient One doesn't say that by bringing the stones back to the right moment the emerged timelines will disappear, but it's Bruce Banner who suspects it and and convinces The Ancient one with this idea. Whether it really is the case that the alternative timelines are disappear by bringing back the stones is not said and in the comics it's not the case that the timelines disappear again. The Soul Stone is also brought back, but without undo the death of Black Widow.