GET SHORTY [Sonnenfeld 1995] - movie review by Mandibil

in moviereview •  8 years ago 

Why do gangster movies have such an appeal? Is it because of the notion, that anyone can create a new power center based on violence, that is "protected" by the state? And then, if it has a comic undertone, i get even more suspicious, because usually humor connected with violence, is a trick to take the focus away from the reality, that it is just violence we are dealing with.

Chili (Travolta) is a "tax"-collector for a small time gangster, but he gets wound up with a host of different characters, who are all connected to film-making and Hollywood in some way. At first i thought that the story would evolve around his close neighborhood and its funny but interesting inhabitants. Some sharp and comic dialog and good characterization seemed somewhat promising. But then it has to go all Sunset Boulevard. The story revolves around uninteresting upper class characters, played by Hackman, DeVito and Russo, that never get to shine, because the movie has a stupid, third rate plot. And also i do not care much for Russo in the first place, so having her wine her way through the movie, does not help. One small saving grace though, is Mr. Bones, played by Dennis Farina. He is actually funny in the way he exaggerates his Italian gestures and half witted language. But off course, he receives only minimal screen time.

To be honest i lost interest in the movie about two thirds through. I kept going with one eye on the screen to sort of be able to make this review. I am pretty sure that i did not miss any radical improvement in the plot or story in that last part, so my conclusion is that this is not really worth spending your time on. The plot is not interesting, the stories are not interesting and there is no real action .. and the jokes are not really funny .. so, there you have it !

Rating: 2/10

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nice post