Movies, TV Shows, Video Game Reviews

in movies •  3 years ago  (edited)


Jurassic World 3 - I don't even remember what it was called. It was terrible. It's easily the worst Jurassic movie which isn't saying much. Jurassic Park is my all time favorite movie so it's been sad watching the series turn into this. Somehow the dinosaurs looked more real in 1993 than they do in this newest installment. Acting, plot, script, and directing were awful. 3/10

The Black Phone - Now this was a great movie. It's a breath of fresh air whenever a new horror movie comes out that is a new idea and not a carbon copy of other movies. I enjoyed the directors work on 'Sinister' so i figured I'd give this one a shot. It was very creepy and suspenseful. I definitely recommend. 8/10

Dont Make Me Go - This was a weird movie. It had the ingredients to be a great cross country travel movie. The ending was a real bummer and although unexpected, I felt they kind of screwed it up. John Cho is always great though. 4/10

I'll review 'Lightyear' next time.


Resident Evil (Netflix) - This is an easy skip. Even if you're a fan of the movies and games, it's really hard to recommend this one. 2/10

The Rehearsal (HBO) - Love it so far. I'm a huge Nathan Fielder fan ('Nathan For You' is one of the best shows ever), and this show is more awkward and cringey moments mixed with hilarity. Highly recommended. 9/10

Black Bird (Apple) - Another superb show so far. There's only been 3 episodes so far but it's really great. The acting is top notch. Sadly, this was Ray Liotta's last show before passing. Edgerton and Houser are amazing and it's based on a true story. 8/10


Guardians of the Galaxy (Xbox) - I've finally gotten around to playing this and it's been super fun so far. I'm about halfway through and although you can only play as one character, the game incorporates ways to get the whole team involved. 7/10

I'll hopefully be reviewing 'Stray' (PS5) soon.

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