Thank You For Your Service - Movie ReviewsteemCreated with Sketch.

in movies •  7 years ago 


Thank You For Your Service is a PTSD biopic starring Miles Teller as Adam "Shoe" Schumann, whose story inspired the film. I'm not sure what the studio was thinking when they named this film, but the name seems trite to me. PTSD is a serious issue. With 22 soldiers/veterans taking their own lives every day, this issue broaches tough territory that take us out of our comfort zone. Which is great. But the name of this film detracts from the issue.


Adam Schumann returns from his second tour in Iraq with fellow soldiers Solo (Buelah Koale) and Waller (Joe Cole). Waller finds that his girlfriend left him, Solo and his wife are preparing to have a child and Schumann is living in a cheap rental, hoping to move back into his own house eventually. The soldiers lost Sergeant Doster (Brad Beyer) in an IED attack following an intense firefight that nearly claimed the life of another soldier, Emory (Scott Haze). As the soldiers attempt to adapt back to civilian life, symptoms of PTSD begin to manifest in different ways. The soldiers navigate the bureaucracy of the VA while adjusting to new realities at home. It feels like a race against the clock to get meaningful treatment.


Thank You For Your Service is a screenplay by Jason Hall based on the book written by David Finkel. The story pieces together events in Iraq through the eyes of the soldiers as the transition back to civilian life. We pick up the fragmented story in flashbacks and dialogue as the soldiers cope with their losses and the mental scars the war has left behind. As a veteran, the dialogue felt genuine and there were scenes that were all to familiar. To include my own interaction with the VA that, let's just say, didn't go well. I hope I never have to step foot back in that place. They really don't care. They are a bureaucracy. That is all they know.


I have never suffered from PTSD. Thankfully, that has not been a cross I have had to bear. I have witnessed it firsthand in a family member after his first tour in Iraq. Of course, he also was dealing with TBI (traumatic brain injury) from an IED attack, so it was a bit more complex than just PTSD. For veterans and first responders, much of the imagery will strike a chord. The research done to add an element of authenticity to the story seemed thorough. I thought some of the characters could have been better developed, but overall, the story worked for me. And it covers and important topic that people don't like to talk about. For that reason alone, this film is a worthwhile endeavor.


Thank You For Your Service is rated R. The MPAA rating for this 108 minute film is fairly applied. The film delves into quite a few issues including domestic violence, suicide, gun running, gambling, dog fights, war violence, drug use, sensuality and brief nudity. The film pretty much covers the bases when it comes to earning an R rating. It is not a film for younger viewers. The subject matter alone is serious. I would recommend a teen audience at least for this film.


I think I enjoyed Thank You For Your Service more than the critics. And more than the IMDb voters. The film is surprisingly low to me, sitting at 6.4 as I write this. I am not sure what people don't like about this film. It is kind of choppy, but not horrible. The dialogue seemed good, the characters were mostly engaging, the topic was relevant and the narrative arc seemed decent. I would recommend this film. I liked it. It had some flaws, but there was a lot more good than bad in this film. 7.5/10.

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I haven't seen it, but I think it has been received fairly well among the veteran community. I kind of thought the title was clever, because it has become somewhat trite. "Thank You For Your Service" is what most people say to a veteran when they don't know what else to say. While most people mean well when they say it it doesn't really have any depth to it... Thats my 2 cents anyway....

That's sort of how I took it as well. Intentionally trite. There was a conversation in the film about "war heros" who have visible injuries, I think it sort of fits with that idea.

I will probably end up waiting to catch it when it is out for OnDemand or on DVD, don't have much time to hit the theater anymore even though I wish I could...


I can see why some people will not like a title such Thank You For Your, they just don't get it. It seems antagonistic and negative to some. Another reason that this movie is not doing well is that everybody hates Miles Teller, he is talented, but too unlikable in real life. PTSD in soldiers in just not a hot topic, and what you do with yourself after your service is also not, but they are important. I will probably check it out when it will be available for streaming.