BLADERUNNER 2049 (Film critic - Critique de film)

in movies •  7 years ago 

Hello steemians!    (***french will follow) 

Let me introduce myself.

In an old life, I studied in cinema (part realization) ... then changed career direction. However, my passion for cinema remains very present. If you're passionate about movies and TV shows like me, I suggest you read my critical summaries. If you have already viewed them, I invite you to comment and add your own rating stars at the bottom of this post.  

Enjoy the show!   


[image credits:]   

Release date: 2017   

Nationality: United States

Category: Science fiction

Duration: 2h43

Target audience: Général


K (Ryan Gosling) is a humanoid genetically engineered but also a Blade Runner, a cop whose main mission is to remove the old models of humanoids deemed delinquent by their Creator. Through his quest, he will discover that the first generation of humanoid has managed to procreate and that this information permanently changes the course of his mission.

My criticism

The story is well tied but at the end of the film, we wonder if we understood the outcome, even check out the Internet to validate... In my opinion, the dialogues are not sufficiently elaborated to provide a good understanding of history.

It's an interesting film in terms of image, camera shots, sets and special effects. The director Denis Villeneuve gives a lot of importance to the silences, unspoken in order to communicate to us the troubled state of mind of K through his mission.

An interesting cinematic experience, if you like to get out of the usual blockbusters.

My appreciation (out of 5 stars)  




Steemiennes – steemiens, 

Dans une ancienne vie, j’ai étudié en cinéma (volet réalisation)… puis ai changé d’orientation de carrière. Cependant, ma passion pour le cinéma demeure très présente. Si vous êtes comme moi féru de films et séries télé, je vous propose de lire mes résumés-critiques. Si vous les avez déjà visionnés, je vous invite à commenter et ajouter vos propres étoiles d’appréciation au bas de ce post.   

Bon cinéma! 


Date de parution : 2017

Nationalité : États-Unis 

Catégorie : Science fiction  

Durée: 2h43

Public cible : General


K (Ryan Gosling) est un humanoïde issu du génie biologique mais aussi un Blade Runner, c’est-à-dire un flic dont la principale mission est de supprimer les anciens modèles d’humanoïdes jugés délinquants par leur Créateur.  À travers sa quête, il découvrira que la première génération d’humanoïdes a réussi à procréer et que cette information change définitivement le cours de sa mission.

Ma critique 

L’histoire est bien ficelée mais à la fin du film, on se questionne à savoir si on a bien compris le dénouement, quitte à aller vérifier sur Internet pour valider… Les dialogues sont à mon avis peu élaborés et peu nombreux pour une histoire aussi complexe.  

C’est un film intéressant sur le plan de l’image, des plans de caméras, des décors et des effets spéciaux.  Le réalisateur Denis Villeneuve accorde beaucoup d’importance aux silences, aux non-dits afin de nous communiquer l’état d’esprit troublé de K à travers sa mission.

Une expérience cinématographique intéressante, si on aime sortir des blockbusters habituels.

Mon appréciation (sur 5 étoiles) 


Bande annonce (en français) 




Trailor/Bandes annonces : Youtube 

Image : 

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I thought it was better than the original!

Hi Greenvago. Good review. I'm actually new to Steemit too and I really like to discuss films with like minded people.
I loved the new Blade Runner film. Honestly, I think I would rank it higher than the original. While I would agree that there were plot points that were a bit tricky to follow, especially with trying to understand the timeline of all the events that occurred since the last film that shaped the new world we are in, I thought from a character point of view there were excellent arcs and the motivations were all clear and original.
Rick Deckard's character was expanded in a way that was organic and faithful to the original film while still feeling fresh and new. We especially saw this with how he interacted with Rachael's doppelganger.
Also, K's character was also independent and original where the film could have easily fallen into the trap of making his character a rehash of Deckard. It was how K believed the lie of his true origin, then how he reacted after the revelation that made him all the more interesting. This resulted in his character having a completed arc that went in a very different direction than what most of us thought.
I look forward to reading the other reviews you post.

It's so nice to share our opinions about this rather complex movie! My husband fell asleep on it ...
it's to tell you! I liked that it was different, complex and orinigal. Thank you for sharing @letmebefrank

Je ne donnerai que 2.5 étoiles... C'est quasiment un bis repetita de l'original, avec une musique à pleurer en comparant au maître Vangelis ... de plus ca sent le 3 à plein nez avez cette révolution...

Sans hésiter : j'ai préféré le 1 qui est à milles lieues de celui-ci.

My Appreciation for this is 3/5.

I liked it very much as i did with the first movie!

WOW!!! Today I was searching a true movie lover steemian and may I found someone. That is you!! I really enjoy movie reviews and looking for some good movie critics steemians. No doubt i will follow you and every day i will be looking for your posts. BTW me also a movie reviewer. You are welcome to check my post.

Thank you! Cool! I’ll check your post!

I'm psyched! Big fan of the original, the Blade Runner Genre can keep going like Star Wars, you get lost in the film and become a part of it. Ridley Scott, your a true genius, and of all the great films you've made, Blade Runner was at the top, huge thumbs up to the casting director for the first film, every character, from the smallest part was amazing! Can't wait till the release! Ryan Gosselin, you have huge shoes to fill, so huge they brought in Harrison Ford to prop you up, your performance will make or break the film,

I think that the movie was great! Denis Villeneuve had a big boots to fill... If you remember the first Blade Runner was not well accepted in the beginning and it only became a classic after the "test of time".

I think that more older we get, we're harder to impress. Probably because we've seen so many movies.

Overall the story combined with a blade runner "mini series" was good and I kind of expected that they're gonna leave many questions opened.

The movies these days are made for sequels. Like in Star Wars. They should have left the "Return of the Jedi" as the last in the saga. But then again... I was happy to explore the cyber punk universe in Blade Runner 2049 and I dare to say that we're gonna see more Blade Runner movies in the future which will be way better than "The Last Jedi" is to "Star Wars".


Nice post :)

According to the Oscars, it will not be the film of the year, but the camera plans and the sets are strongly represented with 5 nominations for the technical aspects. I can not wait to see!
I really like Denis Villeneuve's films ... Thanks for sharing @filipinjo !