Impact of movies, cartoons and vidoe games on children

in movies •  7 years ago 

Socialization is the key factor in developing a child's/person's behavior. Children usually adopt attitude the way they are brought up. Family plays momentous role in nurturing their child. But today children rely more on television, internet, video games and stuff like that which can either play positive or negative role on their behavior. Now-a-days children tend to adopt the behavior that is shown in the cartoons, games or movies.


Cartoons having characters with super powers or super heroes, in other words, leave a great impact on a child's life. The reason is when a child of 2-4 years of age idealizes what he see as a role model that might be his/her parents or any cartoon character (like super heroes). They learn the behavior from them and copy their actions whether they are positive or negative. When they see a super hero flying they try to fly and they think they will fly and when they fight with some evil/villain, children also copy that and fight with the person they find annoying.

Similarly, when they see video games with a lot of killings and murders they are more likely to become criminals afterwards and this can leave a life-long impact on their lives. When children see negative behavior they tend to deviate and break the social norms as if they were born to break the laws of society. This anti-social behavior can be a result of a number of different reason but video games affecting personal life or behavior is one of the leading factors.


When we talk about movies we see different genres out of which animated is popular among children but other than these movies with the genres horror, thriller, crime, action can have more influence that drives them towards adversary. Movies usually are longer than video games and cartoons but varies with respect to genre.


Not all movies, cartoons and video games have unfavorable consequences. The above mentioned content is just a drawback or another side of this. We all are familiar with the favorable impacts of such stuff which are not mentioned in this blog.

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