Kirk Gets Spooky

in movies •  7 years ago  (edited)

My article on the cheesy and bizzaro horror films starring William Shatner has been published on


"As a young actor just starting out—years before STAR TREK (TOS)—William Shatner seemed to have a taste for roles that veered into the otherworldly or the macabre. His early filmography includes one episode of ONE STEP BEYOND, two episodes of the original TWILIGHT ZONE, one episode of the original OUTER LIMITS, and two episodes of Boris Karloff’s early 60s anthology series, THRILLER. His dramatic, often overly-theatrical acting style seems well-suited to the material; indeed, his finest onscreen performance is probably the famous TZ episode, NIGHTMARE AT 20,000 FEET, where he plays a paranoid, recovering mental patient who sees a monster outside of his airplane window.

During this pre-Kirk period, he also acted in the bizarre, demonic art film INCUBUS. Later, when his STAR TREK gig unexpectedly ran out and his first marriage collapsed, Shatner scrambled for work to pay for an expensive divorce and child support for his three young daughters. He starred in a number of truly weird and/or campy TV and driven-in horror films, several of which are now bona fide cult films, the type of movies that are beloved by the RIFFTRAX/Mystery Science Theater 3000 audience."

Check out the rest at the link above!

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