Finding Dory's disability culture

in movies •  9 years ago 

Finding Dory's disability culture

This illuminating article highlights many facets of disability culture present in Finding Dory.


“People with disabilities do not see themselves very often reflected in popular culture with authenticity steeped in the lived experience. Not only are many disabled characters played by non-disabled people; the storytellers are usually non-disabled who craft narratives about disability by using stereotypes and cliched tropes, robbing disabled characters and stories of agency and diversity.”

The article covers three main themes:

#1: Parental anxiety and support

#2: Social Exclusion and Ableism

#3: Collective Access

Article author: Alice Wong, via

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I actually really appreciated this article and that others noticed what an awesome movie F.D was for parents of disabled children. So many moments came way too close to home, for someone in constant fear of their kids doing a runner (and not being able to communicate or understand where "home" is) this was beautiful.

I really didn't expect this movie to affect me emotionally the way it did - Good article, great movie, SO CUTE

Yes! In the theater all of us adults suddenly had throat issues at that one scene.