A New Matrix movie is being made and.. Oh Look... Its another prequel..

in movies •  5 years ago  (edited)

Ya know.. I think this whole obsession with prequels in hollywood stems from promoting the concept of never moving forward.. and when it Does movie forward it re-writes the history as if it were a prequel anyway.

Star Wars
Star Trek
Harry Potter
X men
Game of thrones
And now the matrix..

Are we never going to ever make decent fkin sequels to shit?

Must it always hark back to the beginnings before the beginning was beginning and re write a whole buncha shit that no body wants and do things tht no body cares about?

I'd like to say it mustn't.. But.. Hollywood says it must..

IT also must be in accordance with new diversity and Equality agendas too so get ready for your trans female muslim led matrix movie based around Machine Rights.

Sigh... I make myself sad sometimes..

Also Micheal B jordan as a young morpheus is beyond wrong.
A micheal shouldn't play a Morpheus..

Only a Laurence should :D


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