Benjamin Button: My Favorite Movie

in movies •  7 years ago 

I love this movie, it's definitely my favorite.

Benjamin Button
Rating: PG-13 (for brief war violence, sexual content and smoking)
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Romance
Directed By: David Fincher
Written By: Eric Roth, Robin Swicord
In Theaters: Dec 25, 2008 Wide
On Disc/Streaming: May 5, 2009
Box Office: $127,490,802
Runtime: 166 minutes
Studio: Paramount
(source RottenTomatos)

I love the man who was shot by lightening 7 times.
I love his life, so full and dynamic and exciting.

It reminds me to be thankful for the people that come and go.
Treasure anyone you make connections with.

How talented Brad Pitt is.
How graceful and stunning Daisy and Elizabeth are, who are played by Cate Blanchette and Tilda Swinton respectively.

I love that Captain Mike tells Benjamin that he can be whatever he wants.

Even the minor characters are all so special for their few scenes.

I love the butterfly sequence in France that makes me cry.

I love how you can see the passage of time.

"We're supposed to lose the ones we love, how else would we know how important they are to us?"

I love Benjamin's voice overs. How they detail certain scenes.

Also Benjamin's first drink is a Sazerac with whiskey, not brandy. Not knowing what a Sazerac is, I had to google it and wow.

" Our lives are defined by opportunities; even the ones we miss."

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