“Maudie” the Movie

in movies •  7 years ago 

Last night we picked up a movie based on the true story of Maudie.It is a heart wrenchingly beautiful story. I was struck by how moving it was. Maudie is a true artist at heart, she never, ever, gives up on her art. She says in the movie she knows all is well, when she has a brush in her hand.


Painting is not easy for her. In fact nothing is easy for Maudie as she has had rhumatoid arthritis since she was a child. She is twisted and contorted from her disease. Her hands and fingers are stiff. She is slight in build and a cast away even to her own family, who sees her only as a burden, treating her like a child.

When she has had enough she decides to move out and takes a job as a live in housekeeper to a fisherman or jack of all trades by the name of Everett. They have their disagreements, yet Maudie holds her own. When she is not cleaning or cooking she is painting. She paints the walls, the little pieces of furniture and goes through Everett’s wood pile painting pictures on flat wooden canvases. Suddenly, his world looks brighter. As their life together unfolds, new developments begin to emerge. Maudie is written up in the newspaper for her art work.

Maudie gains a new respect, yet never gives up her simplicity in either art , life or love. She is indeed a force to be reckoned with as a truly devoted artist. Not only will she steal your heart, she will also break it, as her life is indeed rich beyond words.

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I LOVED this movie!! I watched it on the plane to thailand in decemeber and totally bawled my eyes out! What an incredible human being.

Wasn’t she incredible? Such a strong spirit, and no one could break her. Did you read about the real life Maudie too? After she died he started to paint too. He was actually pretty good. Convinced there was hidden money in the house from all of Maudie’s painting someone broke in and murdered the old man. It was a terrible ending for 2 people that loved each other so much.

Nooo I didn't know that! That is so sad. They were very in love but it was a bit twisted. He felt so inadequte within himself that it led to a bit of a toxic relationship. Poor guy to end that way though :(

I wondered if they ever found out who the culprit was. I kind of felt sorry for him too, he was so male adjusted to people in general.

I also found the lady tgat became her friend to be very nice. There was a sincerity about her but such an air of sadness about her too. Do you know what het story was?

No, I will have to go back and see if I she was an art collector or art critic. She was very kind and intuitive.

Thanks @mother2chicks for the hot movie pick.

I'll have to see this... I have RA in my hands and feet. It typically takes me about 2 hrs to type in a post, mostly correcting typos. I write with a pen and notebook because I think better that way!

After watching “ Maudie” I would not wish RA on anyone. I am sorry you have to struggle with it. Do you take plaquinil? Basically quionine pills for that and your malaria?

I take quinine for malaria and methadone plus oxycodone for pain. Without pain meds I can't get out of bed, movement is impossible. With them, I live an almost normal life. The worst part of the RA is the clumbsyness... I used to be a half decent athlete.

Sounds like an interesting watch I've added to my list. Thanks 💯🐒

howdy there @mother2chicks! hey this sounds like a wonderfully inspirational movie that will be very rewarding to see, thank you!

It was not a fast movie by any beans, but it had a mesmerizing way of pulling me into the movie. Enjoy. 🐓🐓

I'm very patient and like slow developing movies with actual acting and good storylines instead of the actions films with non-stop action. this sounds very emotionally involving. thanks @mother2chicks!

Makes me think if Harold and Maude. Have you seen that? Its very odd and out the box but still i will watch it again and again. Perhaps its the Cat Stevens soundtrack that does it for me 🤣

I have wanted to see that movie for years. It used to be such a cult movie, Cat Stevens would take it over the top, may have to rent that one.