I never thought I would come to a point in my life where not only has someone not seen the movie, but they have never even heard of it. I know I'm not exactly a TikTok teenager anymore (thankfully) but it blows my mind that we have reached the point where there are people out there that have never heard of what is my favorite movie of all time.
In my mind Back to the Future is the perfect film. It has great music, a compelling sci-fi story, fantastic acting, and just the right amount of tension to keep you interested from start to finish. Think about all the iconic figures that came from this film and how many shows have made parodies of it or at the minimum references to it.
I mean what would someone watching Family Guy think any of this was even about? Would they simply not know about the DeLorean time machine? Would the humor be completely lost on them?
I suppose I need to keep in mind that in just a few years, Back to the Future will have been made 40 years ago and I suppose that should make me feel a bit old. Despite its age though, I really feel as though a person can go back and watch it and still really enjoy it. Some of the CGI is going to look a bit fake for sure such as the scene in the parking lot where the fire is under Doc and Marty's feet and well, it looks pretty fake.
That one scene is the only thing that really sticks out in my mind as appearing fake by today's standards though and I think that is forgivable because how else were they supposed to to do it? Literally have fire under Lloyd and Fox's legs?
I encouraged my much younger friend to go out there and find Back to the Future and watch it and I sincerely hope that he does so. It would be really interesting to me to hear what he thinks of it after watching it. Does it stand the test of time or was it only exciting because of the age that I happened to be at the time?
Regardless of the outcome of this little experiment I stand by my selection as this being the best movie ever made in my own book. I've seen it hundreds of times and if it happened to come on TV right now, I would gladly watch it again.