What on earth happened to Helen Hunt's face?

in movies •  4 years ago 

I've recently been watching a new (to me) Netflix series called World on Fire which is a pretty fantastic and as far as I know fictional take on a story that could very well have happened during the early stages of World War 2 and how Germany quickly conquered Poland. It is a pretty great show with high production value that I recommend. I will save that for another day though. What I want to talk about is one of the show's stars, Helen Hunt, and how her plastic surgery looks abso-friggin-lutely terrible.


Age gets to all of us at one point or another (if you are lucky / smart enough to make it that far) and some of us accept the lines and wrinkles that come along with it. Celebrities are more vain than the average Joe and Helen is not the first person in showbiz to have some work done. She might, however, have some of the worst work that I have ever seen and she looks absolutely ghastly.

There are a lot of fun and not-so-flattering comparisons being made about what on earth the plastic surgeon has done to her, one of the most accurate of which is comparing her to Odo from Star Trek.


I was going to be a bit more mean than this and suggest that she looks like Eric Stoltz' character from the movie Mask.


Mask by the way is a fantastic film from 1985 that was a big hit when it was released but for whatever reason nobody really talks about it when referring to epic 80's movies and they really should because it is a fantastic and touching film that really shows that Cher is (was) more than a pretty face. One could successfully make the argument that Cher has also had some really horrible plastic surgery work done in recent years and this is why we don't see her in public very often.


I'm having a difficult time understanding what sort of work she has even had done here. Obviously there was extensive Botox and collagen injections and this explains the fact that her face doesn't seem to react to any sort of change of expression on her face but did she get cheek implants? I can't really make out what is happening here.

The really sad thing about all of this is that Helen Hunt, who I never really thought was super attractive but had more of an "everywoman" look to her, is only 57 years old. Now instead of looking 57, she looks like she is one of the leaders of the lizard people that we hear that Alex Jones talks about from time-to-time.

When this sort of thing happens to a celebrity it becomes news and I know that the paparazi are always on the prowl to try to find the worst possible shots that they can. However, if you watch just a single episode of World on Fire there are no creative evil photographer tactics going on during that series. The camera doesn't lie in this and I would be willing to bet that the directors are not trying to make her look bad. Nah, she just had some bad work done and has to live with it now.

I suppose some of us have a more difficult time growing old gracefully than others. In Hollywood I would imagine there is real pressure, especially for women, to maintain as youthful an appearance as possible and there is a good chance that almost everyone has had some sort of elective surgery at one point or another. I do think, unfortunately for Hunt, that there are very few instances that are as bad as hers though.

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