Why No One Talks About Stoner Movies Anymore

in movies •  9 years ago 

How high, Half baked, Friday,Pineapple Express, do any of these films sound familiar?

For the past few years in film there has been a serious drought in classic stoner movies.

Marijuana is in the forefront of today's society so now filmmakers need to place it on the big screen.

However some of the concepts of being stoned can be a little excessive, but there's nothing like enjoying a nice bowl rip while enjoying a Cheech and Chong flick.

Most people know all the Cheech and Chong phrases.

but there needs to be a spark for the younger generation to enjoy.

I was in a tremendous smoke session once and one of the people there who was only twenty two told me he never saw Half Baked and I couldn't believe it!!

That movie should be a right of passage for all pot smokers, not just to enjoy but to understand the impact it's had and still has on the marijuana community.

There is no better feeling than having a go to movie to watch with you and your friends while enjoying a great kush strand and hysterically laughing at a fellow student of the grass as they find there way into some mischief that only the aroma of weed can get you into.

Now to be fair there have been some pretty cool shows that highlighted the use of marijuana.

WEEDS in particular was a really good show considering the lucrative side of it but also the strangle hold it has on a dealer and there life.

Even with tv success the movie side of lacked tremendously.

One movie in particular that was incredibly depressing for all stoners everywhere was the Wiz and Snoop Dog independent film Mac and Devin Go To High School.

Now I know what you're thinking its two of the most recognizable stoners in the world but don't be fooled this movie is a serious buzz kill.

Stay away from it you'll thank me later.

Movies are meant to be for everyone

And as a viewer you should be intrigued by a film that you find relatable and tickles your funny bone after a joint or two.

Will the higher powers that be provide a product worthy enough for us to enjoy, or will we be forced to relive the classics of old.

Only time will tell but in the meantime elevate and follow on...

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