Do Disney's skinny princesses give the wrong expectations to young girls?

in movies •  8 years ago 

After during some wandering off on the internet (I am sure you all know what I am talking about.. #guiltypleasure), I somehow ended up on the skinny Disney princesses, and it really got me to thinking. Does Disney somehow influence the expectations of our younger generations? Or are just parents freaking out and thinking their daughters are?

As I may call myself, I think I am the all-time Disney fan. Born and raised with Cinderella and The Lion King, singing along to every song in Beauty and the Beast - and still! In the meantime, I am a 23-year-old-to-be and still completely nuts about Disney. These movies.. I could watch them over and over and over again, and never get tired. Together with my almost 30-year-old cousin, we sing along to every song on our annual Disney night.

Disney has been creating movies for almost a hundred years. Starting out with Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, which are actually old, old fairytales from hundreds of years ago. So, our creative Disney uses it's magic and makes it into a family movie, because why not? The story is still pretty good. However, not all people are not entirely happy with the somewhat conservative way Disney displays female characters.

For example, when you look at Sleeping Beauty - she might have one of the thinnest waistlines ever. Like HOW on earth are you that thin? Is she even eating?

Though, when that story was created, we are looking at the 1600's, which was a time where beauty standards were exactly that thin o' waist.

The stereotypes who Disney displays in it's movies represent a different image than what reality actually is (now). Women aren't always pretty, thin and tall, and shouldn't have the tiniest waist in the world. Yet, Disney's goal is to make a movie to entertain the world - what you hear and see isn't necessarily reality. Besides, why shouldn't these movie creators be allowed to make movies with chicks with thin waists?

People pleaded that these bodies are unrealisticly perfect. They say their kids are vulnerable to such influences and wouldn't notice that this is specifically a perfect body. Kathryn Sorrells wrote in her article that she kinda is worried about how Disney displays it's characters - and even brings the Bible on board too. She mentions that her daughter wants to be a princess, but why exactly? According to Karthryn, it's because she wants to be wealthy and beautiful - but hey, who doesn't? My question to this is, why does her kid think a princess is beautiful? Is it because she's thin?

What I really like about the article, is how Kathryn eventually comes down to how she handles it - and to my surprise - pretty well. "If your daughter is a rabid princess fan, a great place to start is by simply asking her what she likes about a certain princess, why bad things happen in the story, even why good things happen. Under your guidance, she will examine the princess’s character, as well as the story’s causes and effects. Ask her what she would do in the princess’s situation if a prince didn’t show up to help. This will help boost her self-reliance and problem-solving skills."

As I roamed around during my guilty pleasures, I found some discussions in a comment section and couldn't help to laugh at the creativity of some anti-people.

"If you are going to make Dad sit through the cinematic equivalent of a lobotomy, you might as well give him something to leer at."

"Disney is the entertainment equivalent of a gas chamber."


It's okay though - I already found a marvellous comeback.

"I think it's because Princesses Anna and Elsa are set in magical old times and not during the current obesity crisis."

Jokes a side, Disney really does look at their characters, and in fact has not so skinny princesses too! Take our look at our Dont Care meme of Snow White above or Mulan.

Dude, even Ling (guy all the way to the right) is thinner than Mulan. THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING, WHERE IS MY ARTICLE ABOUT YOUNG BOYS' EXPECTATIONS?!

I'd love to know your point of view on this. I guess I might be extremely pro on Disney's side, but I for sure am open-minded :D

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Disney has people of all sizes. Some people just go out of their way to claim everything is problematic. If all the girls were fat in the Disney movies they would be saying stuff about that. Some people will find anything to btch about. imo at least.

Yeah, I agree. Nothing is good enough these days, they will find something to nag about either way.

Yeah its crazy.