Muppets: Infinity War, Part 1

in movies •  7 years ago  (edited)

This post was co-published at You may find that it has better formatting on the other site (CSS is a wonderful thing to have).


The following post contains MASSIVE spoilers for the recently released Avengers: Infinity War. If you have not seen that movie, then please lock your computer, go to the nearest movie theater, and experience it for yourself.

Then come right back and continue reading.

And another thing:


The following is a rough outline (not a script) and is subject to change.

Much as I secretly hope it could be made into a finished product, I recognize that it's probably not going to happen. Knowing this, I've allowed my imagination to run wild without limitations. If the result seems a little random, scatterbrained, and amateurish, that's only natural.

With those out of the way, let's dive right in.

Let's Make a Movie

Last week, I had a billion-dollar movie idea while returning from a coworker's birthday lunch.

Thanks to recent IP acquisitions by the Walt Disney company, this movie could feasibly be made. They don't, however, have a lot of time to make it. But the major points of the story are easy enough (it wrote itself while I watched), and I see no reason to keep the details to myself. I want this movie to be made, even though it would take a miracle. So I am posting the story outline here, hoping for just such a miracle.

The movie begins with a written notice:

None of the events depicted in this movie are canon.

So relax.

The studio logos are displayed, along with a few opening titles, and then we suddenly cut to action:

Ext. Wakanda Forest. Daytime

After murdering the Vision and taking the Mind Stone from his forehead, Thanos adds it to the Infinity Gauntlet, only to get hit square in the chest with Thor's battleaxe.

Thanos: "You should have aimed for the head."

Thanos snaps his fingers, and the scene changes.

INT. Muppet Studios. Right Before Showtime

Kermit the Frog and Gonzo are making their final preparations for tonight's Muppet Show.

Kermit asks Gonzo if everything is ready for Miss Piggy's surprise birthday party after the show, and Gonzo assures him that everything has been taken care of. He then asks Kermit what gift he's gotten for Piggy. Kermit directs him to a box on a nearby table, which Gonzo hands to Kermit. The frog, with his back turned, opens the box...

...and Gonzo disintegrates into a pile of dust.

But Kermit, oblivious, reveals to the viewer the gift he was keeping inside the box: an ornate snowglobe---his gift for Miss Piggy's birthday.

Finally turning around, Kermit thinks Gonzo has walked out on him, and innocently shrugs it off.


Miss Piggy is admiring herself in backstage vanity mirror, making sure that every detail of her hair and makeup is right. Scooter, the stage manager, approaches her from behind.

Scooter: "Five minutes until curtain, Miss Piggy."

Piggy waves off the warning without concern, wondering aloud what all of her friends are planning for her birthday, all too aware that she may be getting a surprise party. She wonders aloud what kind of fancy gold jewelry Kermit has gotten her as a gift, and in her reflection she sees herself decked out in diamonds and other precious stones.

She distractedly hands a spray bottle to Scooter, asking him to spritz the back of her head.

And Scooter disintegrates into a pile of dust.

But Piggy is too captivated by her own reflection to notice. When she turns to find Scooter gone, she is quite cross.

Disintegrations all Around

In a quick montage, we see muppets disintegrating left and right in comic and conveniently timed ways, leaving their surrounding friends unaware that anything horrible has happened.

These vignettes happen at rapid fire pace, and may even be incorporated into a musical number about the excitement for getting ready to perform. But by the time the gag is over, the following muppets are dead:

  • Gonzo
  • Scooter
  • Rowlf
  • Walter
  • Rizzo the Rat
  • Beaker
  • The Swedish Chef
  • Waldorf
  • Bobo the Bear
  • Sweetums
  • Uncle Deadly
  • Beauregard
  • Lew Zealand
  • Every member of the Electric Mayhem except for Animal.
  • Pretty much all the extras and lesser known background characters.
Every disintegration happens while Kermit and the other surviving muppet's backs are turned, leaving them blissfully unaware that anything has gone wrong. Meanwhile, everyone is excited for the approaching performance, as the opening musical number reaches what should be its climax, then suddenly stops for the big moment.

Kermit pops out of the show's title.

Kermit: "It's the Muppet Show, with special guest..."

Before he can finish his sentence, we cut to a shot of the Muppet Show audience, as every last one of them---the entire packed house---disintegrates into dust. We are then briefly treated to the image of Kermit hanging there, inside a giant letter "O", with his mouth hanging agape.

Cut to black, where the movie's title appears from the shadows.


Infinity War

INT. Muppet Studios. Several hours later.

All the surviving muppets are losing their minds.

They begin to notice the strange piles of dust that are everywhere backstage. They call out the names of the deceased muppets. Some of them wonder if they're going to die next, culminating in a tearful plea from Fozzie.

Fozzie: "Mr. The Frog, I don't feel so good."

He comically grabs a hold of Kermit.

Fozzie: "Mr. The Frog, I don't want to go. Don't let me go."

Kermit: "Fozzie."

Fozzie: "There are so many things I have left to do. I want to live, Kermit. I've got to live."

Kermit: "Fozzie, you're not dying. Calm down."

After fighting his way out of Fozzie's smothering bear hug, Kermit turns to the assembled muppets and tells them to all remain calm. He then asks if anyone knows what is going on.

Dr. Bunsen: "Well, I have one idea...which I got from watching TV. Let's have a look."

Dr. Bunsen turns on a local news report, which summarizes the battle of Wakanda, Thanos, and the fact that half of the world's population has been eradicated.

A collective gasp rises from the surviving muppets.

Fozzie: "Well, I guess that not's so bad. If it's only half of the world's population..."

The newscast cuts to images of helicopters flying into buildings, planes falling from the sky, ambulances sliding off roads, and all sorts of mayhem resulting from the sudden deaths of so many people.

Fozzie: "No, I was wrong. Really, really wrong."

The gathered muppets cry and moan, particularly the ones from pairs that have been split up.

Pepe the King Prawn is devastated at the loss of Rizzo.

Camilla is beside herself without Gonzo.

Statler sets up a mean joke about the muppets that have died, but without Waldorf to deliver the punchline, he's left high and dry.

But Dr. Bunsen is the most distraught of all, as he simply cannot process the loss of his lab assistant, Beaker.

"Mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi."

Bunsen gasps.

Dr. Bunsen: "Beaker! Is that really you?"

Miss Piggy: "Hmph. I'm not some cheap lab assistant. I was trying to remind you all about what's really important: Me. Me me me me me me me me. How are we going to celebrate my birthday when all my friends are dead?"

Kermit: "There must be something we can do."

Dr. Bunsen: "I wouldn't be so sure. This Thanos fellow is pretty hardcore. Just look at him."

The newsfeed shows a closeup of Thanos's face.

Kermit: "That purple skin."

Miss Piggy: "That outrageous outfit."

Fozzie: "I know. He should try out for the muppets."

Everyone glares at Fozzie.

Fozzie: "What?"

The glares smoulder.

Fozzie: "We're pretty shorthanded right now. We need all the help we can get."

But Kermit will have none of that. He insists that none of their friends can be replaced.

Miss Piggy: "Well then, stupid frog, you had better get them back."

Kermit: "Get them back? I can't raise the dead. You know I'd love to get Gonzo and the others back from wherever they went, but we have no way of knowing where that even is."

The newsfeed conveniently cuts back into the conversation.

Muppet Newsman: "This just in. We are getting word that Mephisto, Lord of the Underworld, has prepared a statement about the recent casualties. Here for comment is the infernal lord of evil himself, Mephisto."

Mephisto, long time Marvel Comics villain, appears in the news feed, played by...oh, I dunno...some Christopher Walken type of actor, which pretty much narrows the possibilities to...just Christopher Walken.

Mephisto: "Thank you, Mister Newsman. You have my condolences. You all have my condolences during this trying time. But let me assure you, that despite the tremendous volume of new souls in the pipeline, we have a guaranteed place for all of your loved ones, down in my kingdom of Heck."

Muppet Newsman: "Sorry, don't you mean Hel...?"

Mephisto: "No, I mean Heck. This is a family film."

Muppet Newsman: "Right. Sorry."

As the interview ends, the muppets are faced with a grim truth: if they want to bring all the other muppets back from the dead, they are going to have to literally dig them out of Heck.

Meanwhile, at the News Studio

Mephisto unclips the microphone from his lapel, shakes the hand of the Muppet Newsman, and then steps away from the newsdesk to the edge of the room, where his demonic henchmen (new muppets with red horns and pointed tails) await.

Demonic Henchman 1: "You were great, boss."

Demonic Henchman 2: "Yeah, the world can rest easy, knowing that their loved ones are safely being tortured for all eternity at your loving hands."

Mephisto: "Someone's gunning for a promotion."

Mephisto smiles a Christopher-Walkenish smile.

Mephisto: "You'll stop that if you know what's good for you."

Demonic Henchman 2 audibly gulps.

Demonic Henchman 1: "Sheesh, boss. Why the foul mood? I mean, you finally have everything you want."

Mephisto: "What I want is that Infinity Gauntlet."

The Demonic Henchmen exchange a troubled look.

Mephisto: "I didn't even believe it existed, until that putz, Thanos, got hold of it. And what does he do with unlimited power? Wipes out half the of all life. HALF, because he's too much of a coward to go all the way. Now it's up to us to finish the job. We are going to drag the remaining half of the universe down to Heck. You are going to get that gauntlet for me."

Demonic Henchmen: "You got it, boss."


And that's it for part 1 of this post. Look for part 2 to drop on Wednesday, in lieu of my usual Netflixing review.

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Bwhahaha!! Love it.

Fine work, my friend and these films deserve our attention! Thanks @talanhorne

Such a wonderful and interesting post by @talanhorne sir...
I'm really like ur posts...ur film review us best...I think u have smart ideas about films...
Wel done and perfect work sir...

One of the best & funniest review of Marvels' stories.

You did a challengable writing. Infinity War 1 is the craziest movie we ever seen. Reviewing that movie with the combination of Muppet not an easy task. You did it well.

@talanhorne - Sir your talent of writing stories & movie reviews are so brilliant... It's remarkable & unbelievable talent behind it... Nice you decided to share this Sir... Thank you...


hahah this has to be read by everyone who is an avenger fanatic :D

muppet infinity war, nice concept & thought. impressive writing of this article. @talanhorne

reteemed & upvoted

Very interesting movies, I am glad to read that movies stories, thank you very much for your sharing to us, I have upvote and resteem your post to more than 2300 my followers, success always for you brother @talanhorne

Better analyzing part no one of Infinity war. So interesting movie and publishing.

These films have a wonderful production friend is displayed in any cinema or just a cinema of its own

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Even though it’s not allowed, I will have to skip the watching part and read you blog first. It is still my must see movie. Avengers: Infinity War have so many positive reviews it’s just impossible for me to miss it.

Miss Piggy is admiring herself in backstage vanity mirror...

Isn’t it what she actually always does? 😂 Anyway, funny muppet show with exception where all backround non important muppets had to be eliminated. With that said I can clearly see you allowed your imagination to run wild without limitations.

Wow.... it’s a great movie review.... Avengers Infinity war is a excellent movie.... I saw this.... all heroes are amazing..... For me the most interesting part about the hulk .... I love this movie.... and enjoyed..... thanks for sharing ....

Hi. @talanhorne
This is such amazing films where a lot of fantasy there are young children watching such films and embracing it as a fact

@talanhorne, Infinity War is a most awesome conversation indeed brilliant movie to me. Better introduction of review there. Best effort you done.

So interessing review , thank you for this great post

Again smart movie review by @talanhorne sir...
Actualy I want Thankfully, both Mary and Gary take a backseat (sometimes literally) to the Muppets. This is their movie and it’s marvelous to see how you can take simple characters and make their comedy fit into so many different styles, but keep the same warmth and affection throughout. The Muppets is based on the premise that the world had forgotten the characters. The movie shows we only forgot how much we loved them.

pleasant motion pictures and extraordinary post.thanks for sharing. Much thanks to you @talanhorne
Upvote Resteem

Wow! Great and amazing post sir.
Infinity wars is so amazing movie.
I love it.😍 😍 😍
It is full of action and suspense.
Great article.
Nice content.
Very well articulated.
Excellent job sir.
I am glad that you made a post on this movie.
This movie will be blockbuster hit.

That was fantastic review sharing @talanhorne. We can get nice imagine via your writing.

Excellent publication movie review @talanhorne. Some places I not interesting. But lot of places lot of interesting things indeed.

oh black panther i like this movie so much

Let's make Muppet movie of Infinite War 1! I think it might hit like IWI do! Nice story you are carving friend!


Congratulations @talanhorne
Now you are in the MinnowsPower Loyalty Member List...!!!

Exceptional idea to build a story based on another story...!!!

100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

Dr. Bunsen: "I wouldn't be so sure. This Thanos fellow is pretty hardcore. Just look at him."

Belive it or not, but Thanos has become my favorite. I have not seen the movie yet, but so many steemiens mentioned him in their posts it’s just hard for Thanos not to become my favorite movie hero.
lol 😆 Great muppet show story #1!

Amazing post &Excellent writing. @talanhorne thank you.
For your post propagation.

Wow nice movies and great post.thanks for sharing
Thank you @talanhorne
Upvote Resteem

This is great post. very interesting Netflixing movie and good I think.
have a great day

its an outstanding movie .i just start that movies from this post.
your content about movies and anime is always amazing. so that why i loved yous post thanks sir for shearing.

Belive it or not, but Thanos has become my favorite. and i,m going to watch this movie soon. it looks really fantastic one thanks for sharing it my friend keep it up have a nice day @talanhorne

Another wonderful and interesting post by @talanhorne sir...
Actualy I'm really like ur written skill...
I'm appreciate it...wel done sir...

Nice artikel

Nicee poste

This infinity war was a great movie in my opinion!

Professional work, your review is on top. Thanks very interesting to know the other side of the film.

Wait wait wait!
Let me watch this movie first or should i read your post first?
Well i think i can the idea about the movie from your post, so i will do that first then definitly i will watch the movie!
Thank you for this warning full wonderfull written!

Greet movie review my dear friend and I am glad to read that movie stories.Thanks for sharing with us and I am waiting for your next movie stories

Wonderful movie sir. Upvote and resteem

Very nice read your analysis and points of view :). Regards

@talanhorne sir your creation is so good sir.... and I like your cack sir
thanks for shareing with us

Interesting movie sir.

It's a very good movie, I follow it and this movie is very much in the interest by people ..

Very beautiful. life writing movies post to you for thank you very much, and post a lot like and like post vote and comments and post share, I like this post a total of all see and this post to everyone can vote

The famous superhero of Marvel's comic book 'Infinity War', which is intended for the audience of super heroes, is going to be one of the films. So the tension is a lot more. That's why, before the release of the film, broke the old records of advance tickets, even in just six hours. 😍

I was looking forward to seeing this one, but now after your review I am absolutely ecstatic about it. I’ll see what popcorn container I can pick up :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's a very good movie,very interesting movies,my dear friend @talanhorne,i'm really like your posts,thank you very much for your sharing to us,very good job,success always for you,

great writing,very interesting movies,my dear @talanhorne,i really love this movie,good job,thank you so much for your sharing with us,

It's a decent film, I tail it and this motion picture is particularly in the enthusiasm by individuals.

superb and intriguing post by @talanhorne
Actualy I'm extremely similar to ur composed expertise.

hi @ talanhorne..marvel a very good movie. i am very happy with your post kawan.sukses always for you.good job

Hello @talanhorne,

Extraordinary good writing & review of the world famous Infinity War #1. Your creativity is the key of this incredible writing.


Always best part netflexing channel.
Wonderful writing and
Great sharing .
#upvote and #resteem.
I like netflixing

wonderful science fiction movie these are my favorite movies.....................

I'm going just for the free refills back to the cinema everyday.

Mind blowing post. Have nice day sir

Awesome story and very beautiful movie.
Netflixing best performace movie channeljA0bfm0.gif

Fabulous blog. Resteem

Very interesting,
Always Netflix best for movie channel

Very DQmY9aqYFMzWH7hi9piQ66Kawk5vM3DBGdjQE8rycpYwj8d.gif movies and great writing..good post my dear lovely friend @talanhorne i really love you all i just DQmQJH5xFS1p85dP7G3H8JwGn6fG2vp24D5DG7Eiq77iqHo.gif

very interesting part 1st .dear

it's an extraordinary film review. Vindicators Infinity war is a brilliant motion picture. Upvote,follow and resteem

Fantastic post. Upvote and resteem

Fantastic post. Wonderful movies.
Upvote & resteem

I love netflixing movie.
Outstanding story
and very interesting @talanhorneimage_3ad6095d.jpeg

The acclaimed superhuman of Marvel's comic book 'Interminability War', which is planned for the gathering of people of superheroes.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Is a special bouquet of interesting movies where there is a stir and imagination frankly impressed me thank you

Beautiful review @talanhorne, I always liked this film and it was very interesting to know your work!

How interesting everything is told, everything is written so harmoniously. Thank you for the interesting post.

I love this movie & great writing

wonderful experience @talanhorne
images (2).png

Very interesting movies, I am glad to read that movies stories,
Thanks for share💜

good moviee,, thanks for your sharing

You are a good person to write.your ideas and writing have been fulfilled.
This is great article and good advice.
(((((( Resteem service)))))

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing.........//////////

Wow! loved it, This movie is just awesome. I will watch it again this sunday.
By the way, thanks for this review.

Useful and effective tips and good writing, thanks.@talanhorne
Upvote Resteem

superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers

I love this film beautiful subject

The writing style of yours, the perception of a movie & using it to create the live imagination of your own creation is fantastic.

As a fan i always loves your blog post sir thanks a lot have a great day.

This is great publishing and great writing experience post


Very good writing. thanks for sharing. @talanhorne

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Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.

hehe that was written amazingly well had a great time reading this one :D

I would definitely watch this movie has generated interest after reading this article.

hahha not watching this for sure lol :D

images (3).png

Amazing sir i loved it you are the best when it comes to writing these top class articles you are ahead and you are always thinking with a broad minded passage of play.

I love all these movies , really ineresting stories .

This is Awasome
i like it

This article is professional & Excellent writing . so great experience.
Thanks @talanhorne
100% like and resteem

yess! i love it.

nice way to writing. great you talanhorne thanks........

I Think this story will be very profitable. i like this, personal opinion..

This is amazing blog post sir.btw thanks a lot for css stuff sir.

That's lovely i like it

It's fun to enjoy. Thanks @talanhorne have shared an amazing movie.

Have a wonderful day!

Muppets is amazing sir thanks a lot for sharing have a nice day.

Wow..really interesting movie.thank you for this great post
