🎬TV series "Tyrant" - how to make the Middle East dictator from the American therapist?

in movies •  8 years ago 

Inspired by various revolutions embracing the Middle East, the FX channel released the TV series "The Tyrant" telling us a story of emergence of a dictator.

I often see in the comments that this show is similar to "Homeland", although the series and stories are completely different. "Tyrant" is a story about how power inevitably changes people , how ordinary people live under the tyranny, how a small push is enough to become a terrorist. I do not see anything in common with Homeland, with the exception of the presence of a political component.

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In order not to offend anyone, the action takes place in the fictitious state - Abuddin, ruled by the Al-Fayeed family. The dictator has two sons, one of whom has lived in the United States for 20 years. He is a therapist, happily married to a pretty American woman, they raise two children. Everything changes when it's time to return to Abuddin for a nephew's wedding.

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TV series has 3 seasons for 10-12 episodes in each. "Tyrant" is cancelled after three seasons.


As I mentioned above, the state in the series is fictional. However, some moments in the narrative very, very accurately coincide with the biography of Bashar al-Assad and what is happening in Syria right now.

First of all I will say that only one thing made me watch is to understand how the main character - the mush Barry Al-Fayeed will become a tyrant. He is very gentle man, almost under his wife's feet, does not want to deal with the world of money, power and politics. However, how will the script writers unfold this situation? I saw the first season without interrupting to sleep. The second one was good enough, but the third one was messed up. I was pleased only with a nice ending.

But the excellent storyline has negative aspects. I recapitulate briefly the main items:

1. Characters. The main characters (brothers Al-Fayeed) are absolutely 'one-size-fits-all' and flat. The first brother is a real villain, loves to kill, rape, etc. However, there is a sophisticated logic in his actions, he can be understood. The second brother is the future tyrant Barry Al-Fayeed is a typical American. He would have the lawns cut and the clinic's clients accepted.He's all whiny and afraid of the light. He has no positive qualities, either.

Secondary characters. If the "eastern" part of the family at least somehow tried, then after looking at the American one I want to cry. What the family of the protagonist does in Abuddin is not clear. The wife worries all the time, the son and daughter do not understand that they are in an Islamic state and have fun as they want, marveling that the rules of international law do not operate there. But for 3 seasons the theme of homosexuality of the son was perfectly described. How did it affect the story? In no way.

2. A low budget . Perhaps the lack of money was reflected in the script too ... However, we have a small number of locations, a rather weak picture, no scope. For the most part, everything was spent on explosions and a beautiful palace.

3. Numerous stamps. The Middle East is represented by the eyes of Americans, and not the eyes of local residents.

4. Silly decisions sometimes go off scale, the logic of heroes is sometimes absent.

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Well, in general, it is very interesting to see how one person influences hundreds of thousands of people. One of his crazy decisions can lead to the death of the population. Sometimes things are appearing in my mind: after all, powerful man should think about how he will remain in the memory of the people after his death? What will they write about him in history books? Does he want to be remembered in good words? But then thoughts comes that people usually remember bad things.

The TV series "Tyrant" is very dynamic. Practically from the first minutes we are dipped into the horrors of the dictatorship and do not let go until the very end. At first you think that the plot will be ordinary: the USA, in the face of the therapist, is going to save Abuddin from tyranny, to put it back on its feet. However, the plot turns around already over and over again. I'll bet "Tyrant"'ll surprise you.


IMDb 7,9/10 // Rotten Tomatoes 55%

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Really nice post! I hadn't even heard of this show but it actually sounds like something I'd be very interested in. It seems that most creators try to write a show about a "fictitious" event that hits close to home and it's hard for them to separate their minds and not get inspired by the actual event. Maybe I'll check this one out!

Yeah, the show was so interesting at the beginning. I got really stuck into!