Working from bed: 'I don't even have to get dressed'

Working from bed: 'I don't even have to get dressed'

Some mornings Susan Booth, a property developer in Yorkshire, doesn't bother getting dressed.
Instead, she makes herself two cups of tea (to save going up and down the stairs for more) pulls on her favourite baggy grey jumper and, laptop at the ready, watches through the window as the sun rises over Swaledale.
"When I work from bed it's always spontaneous," she told BBC Radio 4's You and Yours.
Ms Booth, who until last March worked full-time in an office, but now works for herself, never stays in bed longer than a few hours. Once she's had her sixth cup of tea she knows its time to get up and get on with the rest of the day.
Maybe it's because it's deep mid-winter, and we're all finding it a struggle to drag ourselves out from under the covers already.

Maybe it's that after 10 months of working, living, learning-from-home, we've had enough of every other room in the house (or because your kids are hogging the kitchen table). But working from your bed seems to be in vogue.
Bed tables
A rash of newspaper articles suggest that we're buying "over-bed" tables and pillows to prop ourselves up.
Online retailer Etsy said there has been a 606% increase in searches for laptop stands compared with last year and a 347% rise in laptop tray searches, the Times newspaper reported.
On social media we're confessing to curling up with the cat on the eiderdown, with laptop, phone and notebook to hand. Almost 10,000 people have used the hashtag #workingfrombed on Instagram.
Duvet deals

Another fan of staying tucked up is film maker Stephen Robert Morse.
"I love it," he says "I don't want to get out of bed, so I don't have to."
Since the pandemic started, this is where the New Yorker, now based in London, does most of his work. He can reach the kettle, he checks his email, answers messages, then moves on to previewing film footage or thinking about musical scores.
There may be little more than a pair of boxers between Mr Morse and his duvet, but that doesn't give him pause.
"I've definitely closed deals in bed." he says. "I've definitely talked to lawyers in bed. I've definitely had some pretty intense negotiations from bed."
crazy things about. That's kind of her bag now," added Rogen.
(Heigl had recently angered Grey's Anatomy co-stars and producers by unilaterally withdrawing her name from the 2008 Emmys race, claiming she felt she had not been given "material this season" to "warrant nomination". This foreshadowed a contentious departure from the show in 2010, that ultimately left the storyline of her character, Izzy, incomplete.)
Relations between Rogen and Heigl appeared to worsen further when they met by chance at a restaurant soon after, but as the drama rumbled on, Rogen began to mellow his stance.
"She didn't feel as though the product was reflective of how she thought she should be portrayed. And so when that happens, as someone who is an egomaniac, I just get hurt by that," he admitted in 2016. "If she actually didn't like it, the movie, then that I'm very sympathetic to."

Deborah Coughlin, author of Outspoken: 50 Speeches by Incredible Women, says: "Most people are too scared of being thought of as a troublemaker to say what they really think about the company they work for, their boss, or their conditions.
"This is rife in entertainment, telly and media because these industries are oversubscribed. For women, and women of colour, non-binary people and other marginalised groups, the risk is greater because you already are less likely to get the job, more likely to be paid less for the job, and will be the the first one out."
She adds the expectation on most people in most industries is to "shut up and be grateful for what you've got".

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