How Do You Catch A Fish, Target Locked On - Episode 1716b

in msm •  6 years ago 

The lawsuit filed by all the MSM outlets will fail, the White House did not violate the first or fifth amendment. Election fraud is being thrown into the spotlight for the first time and the players will be exposed. The illegals have reached San Diego and the border patrol is keeping the illegals from entering the country. Whitaker will not be removed, under the law it is completely legal to have Whitaker as acting AG. The trap has been set, how do you catch a fish, target locked on.

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Thanks again, cnn news channel is a myth.

Dave, How do you catch a 'Forensic Information Scanning Hub' (FISH) being used by the deep state? You lure or force the operator to lock into an un-secure server, like the state election servers. Think Diebold.

I wish someone would look into communist Illinois , because our new governor is really only the governor of cook (aka CROOK COUNTY)county . He lost %95 of the counties in Illinois and still became governor of sanctuary city CHICAGO ⁉️And of course I’m being sarcastic , but if you look on the election map you see that he only really won CHICAGO , and not Illinois . CHICAGO with Zionist Jew major RAHM EMMANUEL , ex chief of staff for president Barack Hussein Obama the traitor . Get the picture folks . Lots going on in communist Illinois .