So many times we give our selves low value, in so many ways we underestimate our selves.
It does'nt really have to be an expensive dress, but make sure the color combination is colorful, decent and good, the dress should be well iron, and wear the dress with pride and walk with confidence and self esteem.TALKING
The way we talk some times make people not to value us some times most of us tend to talk too much, or talk for the sake of taking or just talking for others to notice us without making any sence at all.
Always talk when you have something reasonable to say and always watch how you speak, weight your words and speak with wisdom.LOVE YOUR SELF
You must lobe your self first so that others can love you and value you, often times many don't
Love themselve or many peak ill of themselve.CONFIDENCE/SELFESTEEM:
You need to have confidence in your selve Don't look down on your self neither should you underrate your self.
Strive to make a different speak positively.