πŸ“Œ Post Up S1E1.1 Thursdays on MSP Waves 🌊. Content Curation. βœ… Vote Your Favorite Posts.

in mspwaves β€’Β  5 years agoΒ 


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Post Up is a live curation podcast. Audience members are invited to present a post from any social media platform or blog. The post can be yours or someone else's as long as it contains original meaningful content. Posts may consist of images, words or music. Mature content is acceptable, with discretion, as long as an NSFW warning is provided. The show hosts will encourage follows, upvotes, likes and comments. Each week, the audience will select the top three posts to receive a prize of cash or crypto. All posts presented will be curated for our blog. Get ready to Post Up!

πŸ“Œ Post Up - Thursdays πŸ•’ 3PM & πŸ•š 11PM UTC

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πŸ“Œ Post Up S1E1 - Recap & Curation

Each week, after both showtimes, we will compile and curate all of the posts which were presented on Post Up. We will then ask the participants and our followers to select which post they like the most by commenting here.

I certainly appreciate you now even more @shadowspub, it is no easy task curating and hosting while engaging the audience at the same time. Of course, @r0nd0n makes things run as smooth as possible on the station and does a great job of it. It was a great pleasure finally getting to work with @recoveryinc in this capacity and to be able to see the potential we have to build something great here together with all of you. Thanks again for your amazing content and engagement. Enjoy the posts below.

πŸ“Œ Post Up Curation Week #1 August 6th, 2020

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  1. Weekly News Update (August 2020 - Week 1) by @solairitas

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  1. Aristocracy
    = Communism = Nazism = Socialism
    by @aagabriel

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  1. News and opinions on the FBI cover up of child trafficking rings and some political philosophy as well by @gregorypatrick

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  3. Catapillars and Inchworms feeding on my fruit trees by @solominer

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  1. I took DMT and made this by @soundwavesphoton

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  1. Fitness & nutrition: what on Earth are those? | Fitness y nutriciΓ³n: ΒΏcon quΓ© se come eso? [ENG/ESP] by @zoeanavid

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  1. A Dash of Sult N Papper 08/01/20> CONTEST : It’s on Now!!! $100 HIVE in Prizes by @sultnpapper

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  1. Kyle Jacob's Kickstarter by rootdraws

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  1. Hive Open Mic Week 17 | Decide TΓΊ - Dread Mar I (Cover by ILAZRA) by @ilazramusic

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  1. Hive Entrepreneurs, Unite! by @thatsweeneyguy

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  1. El bosque tenebroso y... | Concurso de Escritura de Fuerza Hispana by @arlettemsalase

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  1. Fix These 5 Copywriting Mistakes Today to Increase Your Profits by @liz.writes

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Please comment with the number of your favorite post so that we may pick the top 3 posts to receive a prize this week πŸ….

Be sure to follow, upvote/like & comment the posts you enjoyed most.

See you next week!

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You can follow me on most major social media.

#vaccinescauseavianflew πŸ’‰

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