The Alternative Lifestyle Show - starting in 50 minutes - with guests @astralliam, @nikema, Scott Bullet, Debora Milazzo, @article61 and @quochuy

in mspwaves •  7 years ago 

Starting in 55 minutes another awesome episode of the Alternative Lifestyle Show.

Guests on the show this week are covering topics as diverse as dementia fraud to worm farming, unschooling to family protection, virtual reality language learning and a whole lot more inbetween.

Witness @quochuy is an expert worm farmer in Australia, @nikema is an unschooling mama and founder of @popschools in the USA, @astralliam is a technology and social entrepreneur who is based in a old chapel in north Wales but spends much of his time in India.

Front and centre on the show UK based family protection campaigner @article61 will be introducing Scott Bullet and Debora Milazzo who will be coming on to talk about Dementia Fraud in the UK. Debora is also fighting her local council in Scotland to win back custody of her child.

Make sure you tune in on Friday from 10pm - midnight UTC on MSP Waves Radio for 120 minutes of totally interesting talk.

On the show on MSP Waves Radio this Friday 1 June from 10pm - midnight UTC are :

  • @astralliam - technology and social entrepreneur from Snowdonia, Wales, scientist by education and a spiritualist by nature, innovation pirate sharing time between Wales and India

  • Scott Bullet - founder of the Dementia Fraud Group in the UK

  • Debora Milazzo - victim of dementia fraud, and fighting for the return of her child taking by the local authority in Scotland

  • @article61 - UK campaigner supporting family protection causes

  • @nikema - unschooling mama, designer, and developer building a decentralized educational community, founder of @popschools, living in California, USA

  • @quochuy - worm and black soldier fly farmer, The Little Worm Farmer, based in New South Wales, Australia - also a witness and developer

I look forward to seeing you all on MSP Waves on Friday at 10pm UTC tucked in between @Uniwhisp's Emotion Integration show and the Chaos Show with @globocop and @disarrangedjane.

The recording of last Friday's show with @breezin, @masterroshi, @richforever, @gregorypatrick, @freedomtowrite, @makinstuff is available in case you missed it :

Each week the Alternative Lifestyle Show will be covering a whole range of topics including :

  • homesteading
  • prepping
  • homeschooling
  • tiny houses
  • complimentary medicine
  • alternative energy
  • cooking, particularly low meat, vegetarian and vegan
  • permaculture and organic gardening

If you have a passion for any of these subjects and would like to come on future shows please drop a comment below or find me on Discord at Pennsif#9921.

The Alternative Lifestyle Show is on MSP Waves Radio.

It is on Fridays, 10pm - midnight UTC.

If you are not sure of your local times check :

You will be able to listen through the PAL Discord server, via or on Twitch at

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[ header graphic by @pennsif // new fox head logo by @dreemsteem ]

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Thanks for having me on the show @pennsif. It was great to be on!

Or me even!

It was great to have you on the show. Looking forward to hearing how your projects develop.

Host of the My Life in 8 Songs and The Alternative Lifestyle Show radio shows on MSP Waves.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.