
in mssql •  7 years ago  (edited)

在mysql下,我会使用select ... from (select ... from... ... order by ) tmp group by ...

无奈呀,在mssql下,子句中不支持order by

最后,在偶像 @justyy的帮助下,学会了OVER(PARTITION BY)的用法

partition by 可以按字段或字段组合进行分区,然后还可以在每个分区中按字段或字段组合进行排序

OVER(PARTITION BY)则可以从每个分区中查询数据

select author, permlink, 
min(DATEADD(hour,8, created)) over() (partition author,DATEADD(hour,8, created)) as time, 
from comments 
where DATEADD(hour,8, created)>='2018-01-27 00:00:00'
and DATEADD(hour,8, created)<='2018-02-03 00:00:00'
and permlink not like 're%'



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