Mt. Gox Crash: Karpeles Pacifies Creditors Amid Fresh Bitcoin Payout Confusion

in mtgox •  8 years ago 
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yeah its exciting to tell people who dont evenknwo about this "hey your getting your dollars back" and theyre so hapy they dont evencare that theyre not gettig their actual bitcoins back!

but you see, if they nevergot their bitcoins stolen, bbitcoin woulndt be here where it is!

if mt gox theft never happend, bitcoin price would have never halved, allowing for more adopters and REAL growth! the market cap matters more than the price!

So yeah this is alone is gona return THOUSANDS of peopel who are all just pissed of that they dont have their coins...and now theyll ALL get some cash (THEYR Cash ) and they will start spendng it onaltcoins and or savig these bbitcoins! onlya small few will spend them!