MTQN participants at STKIP Bumi Persada This Year along with Officials follow Khat Al qur'an and tahfidz 30 Zuj

in mtqn •  7 years ago 

Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an or Reading Competition of the Qur'an
Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an is a field of reading recitation of the Qur'an with the reading of mujawwad, ie reading of the Qur'an which contains the value of reading science (tajwid), art (song and sound), and ethics (adab) reading.
Qira'at (reading) that is contested is qira'at Imam Ashim history of Hafs with dignity mujawwad.
Maqra (reading material) from juz 1 - 30. In the preliminary round, participants must read the maqra 'as determined by the committee and in the final round the finalist proposes 3 (three) maqra' options, then the judge determines one of the three maqra ' read the finalists.
The number of songs at least 5 (five) songs with the first song is the song Bayati / Husaini.
Stages Musabaqah
Elimination round

Maqra 'is set by the committee approximately 12 hours before performing
The determination of the turn appearing every day is done before the musabaqah event
Running time: 7-10 minutes
Final Round

Finalists are required to propose three maqras of their choice drawn from different juz.
Maqra 'submitted by the finalists shall be presented by the judges' council 12 (twelve) hours before appearing and shall be determined one of the three maqra' proposed by the finalists shortly before appearing
Maqra 'which is read in the final round must be different from maqra'yang read in the preliminary round
At the time of appearing, the finalists read the Qur'an (not memorizing)
Race time: 10-12 minutes
before we discuss about this title we first talk about the views of Indonesian Muslims against the Qur'an. So that can be understood why Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) in Indonesia looks so rife.

The Indonesian nation is a nation whose majority of the population is Muslim, the Qur'an is a holy book of Muslims who are highly respected and sacred, Love of this holy book is no longer made. So that every religious events will not be separated from the Qur'an, for example in ceremonial events such as muludan, Rajabiyah, Halal Bi Halal, and others always in the dahul with the recitation of the Qur'an.

If there are people who died then recited surah yasin, even for 7 nights in a row, as well after 40 days, 100 days from the death of a dead person. If there is a 4-month pregnant woman recited with Surah Yusuf or Luqman or surah Maryam, as a sense of tafa'ul (wanting good) from the sura. Similarly, the sema'an event is a recitation of the Qur'an from beginning to end with reading bil-ghaib (without seeing the mushaf) before a particular event such as marriage and so forth.

This is irrespective of the question whether it is the work of heresy or not, what is important here is that the reading of the Qur'an in religious activities is something that is commonly used by most of the Muslims in Indonesia.

Pesantren Tahfizh Al Qur'an

Long before the rise of MTQ in Indonesia the interest sebgaian muslimin Indonesia to memorize the Qur'an can be said "tolerable". This can be proven by the number of pesantren that specifically teaches Tahfizh program in it. Pesantren Al Munawir in Krapyak, Yanbu'ul Qur'an in Kudus, and others are examples of Tahfizh pesantren which is quite famous in Indonesia.

The pesantren emerged in the late forties to the fifties from the 20th century. From these pesantrens, the pesfren schools of Tahfizh finally emerged in Indonesia to this day. It must be admitted that from these pesantrens finally emerged the famous Qur'an memorizers, as well as the famous qari'ah / qari'ah of Indonesia.

Jam'iyyatul Huffazh Wa al-Qura '(JHQ)

This Jama'iyyah is an association of the hafiz and Qari 'who are affiliated to the organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) which in fact is from among the pesantren. This organization was first established by Al Maghfurlah KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim, son of Sheikh Hasyim Asy'ari, founder of NU, as well as Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia to IV, which is around the 50's, precisely in 1951. JHQ has a significant role in the birth per-MTQ in Indonesia. One of the activities of JHQ is to hold sema'an, teach the songs of Al Qur'an with the old pattern and so on, including also held MTQ at a limited level such as at the village, sub-district, school and others.

MTQN in Indonesia

This conducive atmosphere to the Qur'anan led many to take the initiative to conduct MTQ at the national level. In 1964 MTQ held inter-boarding boarding school in Indonesia in the framework of the Asian African Islamic Conference (KIAA). Then in 1968 the first national MTQ was held in Makassar city of South Sulawesi. The Selsel community gave a great appreciation to this first MTQ. Their participation in the success of MTQ is felt by the MTQ committee such as providing housing accommodation to MTQ participants, gift provision and so forth.

Seeing the magnitude of Indonesian society appreciation of MTQ, then in 1977 founded a semi-government organization that handles the problem of per-MTQ-an in Indonesia named the Institute for Development of Quran recitations or abbreviated LPTQ. This institution is called semi-government because it was established based on a joint decree between the Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of Home Affairs. 19-th. 1977 / 151-1977. Through this decree, the head of LPTQ in one province is the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of the province concerned, as well as at the district level and below it in inhern. Thus, the success of one region in the implementation of MTQ either at the regional level or at the national level is located on the shoulders of the government apparatus in that one area.

Branches of the Contest in MTQ

At first the branch contested in the MTQ is a branch of recitations for adults only. It turns out that in its development the branches are increased to 7 branches:.*item

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