in muellar •  7 years ago 

The appointment of Robert Muellar, former FBI director, to head an investigation into the hypothetical Trump-Russia Connection" was hailed today. Mr. Muellar was praised as a honorable sort well-suited to focus on the pertinent facts and not to exhibit bias. However, Mr. Muellar's former tenure as director of the FBI was between September 4, 2001 and September 4, 2013. This means that he was FBI director when evidence at the World Trade Center Towers was commandeered and shanghaied to China, where I believe the steel beams were melted down into sheets, et al, for use in the construction of a U.S. Navy ship. He was also FBI director when the video in cameras which were positioned to record the "airplane" crash into the Pentagon were confiscated by the FBI agents, which had arrived at the scene of destruction. However new he may have been as director, if he were a honest man of sterling character, he would not have hidden from the public the truth revealed by the videos. Whether the Patriot Act, Hurricane Katrina, terrorism or expansion of the FBI into an international "investigative" police force, he reign was not marked by "shining moments." When Obama came along as president, he saw no reason to investigate Obama's background in a very thorough manner, as did Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joseph Arpaio and Cold Case Investigator Mike Zullo. [Joe Arpaio would probably be the best FBI director it has ever had, if President Trump could tear his gaze away from Goldman Sachs and the Pentagon.]

Given the administrations under which Robert Muellar served, one may well suspect that he is a card-carrying member of the Deep State and will serve their interests. Hence, don't be surprised if "evidence" is uncovered which leads to the impeachment of Donald Trump. Furthermore, the curiously ambivalent Acting Attorney General Rosenstein may be still another deep agent left over from the Obama administration.

President Trump seems increasingly isolated and bedeviled by a broad front, which he does not know how to overcome. His fate may be as sealed as was the fate of Richard II of England.

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