in muhammad •  7 years ago 

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The Arabic word ‘Muslim’ literally means someone in submission to the will and law of God. The message of Islam has always been universal and meant for all people. Anyone who accepts this message becomes a Muslim. One out of four persons on this earth is a Muslim. There are 1.8 billion followers which equate to about 24% of the global population. While Islam is currently the world’s second-largest religion, after Christianity, Islam is the fastest growing religion. Muslims are projected to surpass Christians around 2070 as the largest religious group in the world.
While many may associate Islam with countries in the Middle East, only 18% of Muslims are Arabs & 82% of Muslims are non-Arabs. Muslims represent the majority population in fifty-six countries. The Muslim population is a diverse community of believers spanning the globe. There are many Muslims in Europe, South East Asia, & in the West. Islam is not limited to one ethnicity or group of people. Muslims are made up of people from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, races, cultures and national origins. Whereas there are currently more Christians than Muslims, the religion that has the most followers actually practicing their religion and its rituals is Islam. There are a higher percent of Muslims practicing Islam than there are Christians practicing Christianity.
A Muslim is a person one that submits his or her will to Almighty God as he acknowledges that God knows what’s best for him, so he follows God’s commandments for his own best interest. A Muslim is someone who lives to attain purpose. And this purpose is found when one lives not only to better himself but to better the things and people around him. A Muslim lives following Gods commandments so he can live a peaceful and happy life in this world and so that he can prepare himself for enteral joy in the next world.
In Islam, worshipping God consists of every act, belief, statement, or sentiment of the heart which God approves and loves. Anything that brings a person closer to His Creator would be considered an act of worship. It includes physical and external forms of worship like the daily ritual prayers that Muslims are prescribed to do, fasting, and charity. It also includes internal worship such as faith in the Angels, Gods Books, and His Prophets. Acts of worship also include the loving of God, gratitude, reverence, and reliance on God. God is worthy and entitled to worship by the body, soul, heart & mind.
In Islam, a Muslim is not someone who simply just knows the truth. A Muslim is someone that submits to the truth. A Muslim is someone that believes in God and Follow Gods commands. Islam stresses belief does not just simply just mean believing in one's heart, but it also acting on the belief. Mere faith counts for nothing if not carried into practice. The purpose of Islam is not knowledge, it is submission and no belief by itself can bring salvation. To simply just know that God is One and Muhammad is his last and final massager does not make one a Muslim. Even Satan has belief in his heart. Satan knows the truth and is a believer in God. Satan does not deny God is his Lord as he had spoken to God. The Quran records a dialog between Satan and his Lord:
"He said, "My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected. [ Allah ] said, "So indeed, you are of those reprieved. Until the Day of the time well-known." [Satan] said, "My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all Except, among them, Your chosen servants" (Quran 15:36-40)
However, Satan disobeyed his Lord and refused, stubbornly and arrogantly to prostrate when his Lord commanded him to which showed a serious nature of arrogance, self-admiration and pride. The fact that Satan simply believed in the existence of God without rightful action, did not benefit him. Satan became amongst the disbelievers because his belief was cancelled out by his pride, arrogance, stubbornness, and his poor behavior before his Lord. Belief in God and action complement each other and are intertwined. Love manifests itself in action and belief in the heart results in good actions. If a man truly loves God, he would show it in his obedience to God’s commandments to earn God’s pleasure. In addition, performing good deeds draws one closer to God. Islam states that both inner belief as well as outward actions make up what is known in Islam as Iman which translates to faith. When a Muslims is obeying God’s commandments he is not denying himself from the pleasures of this world. God made humans the successors of this earth, God states in the Quran:
"And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority..." (Quran 2:30)
Islam states humans have been put here on Earth by God and they are to use the material means to build a positive life in this temporary world which will eventually lead them to a positive eternal life in the Hereafter. God states:
“But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters" (Quran 28-77)
Islam certainly does not take the ability and the right to live well in this world, rather Islam teaches every experience one has in this world should me more than just that feeding moment. Muslims do not live just to see the next new movie or game that comes out or to buy the new phone that comes out. This world is much more than just that to a Muslim. A Muslim lives for a more superior and powerful reason. A Muslim lives to find purpose in his life and that purpose is to discover who created him, determine how his creator wants him to live, and to build a relationship with his him.
The opposite of a Msulim is a Kafir. The Quran warns one from being a kafir. The word kafir occurs over 150 times in the Quran. The word kafir refers to something that is covered up. For instance, a farmer is also called kafir in the Arabic language because a farmer covers seeds in the earth. The Quran uses the word kafir for a disbeliever because a kafir is one that is insincere in their life and deliberately rejecting the truth which they covered despite knowing it was true. A kafir is also someone that refuses to question what they were taught and grew up with. They blindly follow their forefathers without thinking, reflecting and pondering over their belief’s uncertainly and do not search for the truth. The translation of the word kafir in the west is usually translated to infidel, which is not the proper definition. The word infidel means someone who does not believe in God whereas a kafir is someone that denies, conceals, or refuses the truth. A kafir is someone that rejects the truth or knows the truth but refuses to act upon in. A disbeliever is also someone that is ungrateful and chooses to live, hide, or cover in the darkness of ignorance.
Islam does not teach to hate non-Muslims. In fact, Islam came to bring dignity to all human beings. The Quran explicitly states that the children of Adam are honored. God has given respect to all sons of Adam which would include every human. If God gives them respect, we certainly need to respect them as well. God States:
“And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference” (Quran 17:70)
The term ‘Children of Adam’ which God uses to refer to mankind, excludes any discrimination based on race, color, or gender. Human dignity is universal since all human beings are descendants of Adam. God also commanded His Angels to prostate themselves in humility before Adam, the father of mankind, when he was created to elevate the status and honor of humanity. In addition, God mentions in the Quran how He has honored the sons of Adams and made them noble by creating them in the best fashion and most perfect forms.
"We have certainly created man in the best of stature" (Quran 95:4)
God is very explicit in the Quran about treating non-Muslims poorly that even if one’s parents are idol worshippers and forcing them to worship false gods, he should not worship those gods but should treat their parents with the upmost respect and love.
During the time of the Prophet, Prophet Muhamad was sitting with his companions when a funeral service passed in front of them. The Prophet Muhammad stood up. Then, one of his companions ask him, ‘why are you standing? This is the funeral service of a Jew’ Prophet Muhammad replied, ‘Was it not a soul? He was teaching them that all humans are valuable.
Islam teaches that the only real criterion by which one surpasses another is that of piety, God consciousness in actions, and in righteousness.
"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted" (Quran 49:13)
A Muslim is someone that doesn’t make wealth, health and power the ultimate aims of his life. Whereas, Muslims use these for a means to living; it’s not their aim or goal. A Muslims has much bigger aim in life than the gathering of temporary material goods.
Since the life of Prophet Muhammad is full of countless examples that show his status as a role model for mankind for societies and individuals, one can find truths in Prophet Muhammad's life that constitute an example for them to follow. His life was full of good manners, superior morality, generously, good habits, politeness, respect, gentleness, noble feelings and wisdom from God, all of which help mankind live a better, peaceful, easier life full of good. Emulating the Prophet would also help one from falling into error or sin. Prophet Muhammad was the sacred model for mankind to emulate and follow footsteps as was sent by God as an example how one should live his life to the best of his ability. Thus, Muslims study the Biography of the Prophet Muhamad which they call Seerah. Muslims believe the easiest road to goodness, to moral excellence and success in this life and the afterlife, comes through an emulation of the Prophet. Muslims emulate Muhammad’s faith, behavior, attitude, manners, patience, compassion, piety, and even daily tasks like the way he ate, drank, slept, interacted with others, etc. The teachings of Prophet Muhamad acts as a mercy and a healing for the all of mankind.
In Islam, every good deed is an act of charity (Sadaqah in Arabic) whether it’s doing justice between people, helping others, giving a good word, being kind to others or removing harmful objects from the road, all have a special reward that would be given from God if one has a pure intention and is doing it for the sake of God.
A Muslim is someone that constantly tries to improve him or herself and tries to perfect his manners. Islam stresses the importance of good manner. Implementing good manners in Islam is reinforcing one’s faith. Not only do good manners gain love and respect of the Creator and the people around, good manners are the foundation of a Muslim’s daily life through which he or she achieves success in this world as well as the hereafter. Prophet Mohammad said: ‘I have been sent to perfect good manners." This includes the teachings on how one conducts themselves with their Lord, their selves, and the people around them. God states:
"And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters" (Quran 28:77)
A Muslim is one that treats his parents, spouse, children, and family kindly. Islam forbids Muslims from mistreating and being unjust to their parents or family and made it compulsory for one to treat them with all goodness and mercy. Children must take great caution not to disrespect or react negatively to what their parents. If the parents do or say which is not liked or approved of by the child, the child must show patience and tolerance instead of giving vent to their anger. Disobeying one’s parents is regarded as one of the grave sins. Islam states one should be more loving, respectful, grateful, kind, and compassionate to their mothers since they went through pain and suffering and loved their child before they were even born. A mother toiled her child when one was a helpless infant while she spent sleepless nights caring and worrying. God states:
“And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word” (Quran 17:23)
Islam also teaches one to respect his or her spouse as well as being good to women. Prophet Muhammad stated: ‘The best of you are those who are the best to their wives.’ And God also commanded men to treat their wives with kindness:
“And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them, it may well be that your dislike something which God might yet make a source of abundant good” (Quran 4:19) Islam places great emphasis on both physical and spiritual cleanliness, health, hygiene and purification. Muslims are required to take care of their personal hygiene by assuring that they are well groomed with their body and clothing, and that their environment is clean and pure. God’s Prophet and Messenger Muhammad stated: ‘Cleanliness is half of faith’ Prophet Muhammad also stated: ‘(The religion of) Islam is clean. Hence, one should also keep themselves clean. No one will be allowed to enter Paradise except he who is clean. This cleanliness is of both the body and the mind.” Additionally, God states in the Quran: “Allah has ordained for you. Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves" (Quran 2:222)
In fact, prior to the prayers that Muslims are required to perform, one is required to assure that he is in a state of cleanliness which he does by performing either wudu (which is often translated as ablution) which is the washing with water to remove minor impurities such as impurities or dirt from tenth, nostrils, ears, etc. or ghusl (a full bath) for major impurities after sexual intercourse or after the completion of a woman’s menstrual period.
Islam stresses and asserts the importance of truthfulness and keeping promises. Honesty refers to staying truthful in all maters and under all conditions. Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. On the contrary, falsehood leads to evil and evil leads to hell. Prophet Mohammad was a perfect example of honesty. Even before his Prophethood, he earned the titles of Al-Amin and As-Sadiq (the trustworthy and the truthful one). God States:
"And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]" (2:42)
A Muslims is one that keeps his or her promises and fulfills them without breaking them to his best of ability.
"O you who have believed, fulfill [all] obligations/ contracts" (Quran 5:1)
Of course, If one commits to a promise while intending to fulfill it, but doesn’t due to a reason that is not in his control, then he is in no wrong.
A Muslim is he who is honest and upright in his business and monetary dealings with others whether they are Muslim or not. A Muslim is one that shuns fraud and avoids deception. God warns in the Quran:
Woe to those who give less [than due], Who, when they take a measure from people, take in full. But if they give by measure or by weight to them, they cause loss. Do they not think that they will be resurrected for a tremendous Day? The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the worlds? (Quran 83:1-6)
God also states:
“Give full measure when ye measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight: that is the most fitting and the most advantageous in the end” (Quran 17:35)
When business is conducted in honesty, fairness and justice, one would gain positive progress, success, and blessings from God.
A Muslim must avoid making too many oaths when selling merchandise and a mutual consent is necessary between both parties of the transaction. A Muslim must be strict in regard to weights and measures when trading. Islam forbids monopolies or hoarding one’s merchandise in order to increase prices. Additionally, a Muslim must not deal with items that Islam prohibits such as intoxicants, pork, etc.
A Muslim is one that avoids unlawful, unclean, corrupt means of making money whether it’s from interest, usury, stealing from others, dishonest trading, gambling, bribery, etc. Allah warns in the Quran:
“And you see many of them hastening into sin and aggression and the devouring of [what is] unlawful. How wretched is what they have been doing” (Quran 5:62)
Islam states one that earns his money unlawfully will have his income reduced and will be deprived of Allah’s blessings (Barakah in Arabic). In addition, their prayers will not be answered and their hearts would become hard and cruel.
A Muslim is one that does not waste money or recourses. A Muslim is one that is neither too tight with his money nor too loose with it. Whereas, God does not like the one that spends money wastefully, one should not become stingy and miserly. This applies to all resources that God blessed individuals with whether it’s money, time, knowledge, health, food, water, etc. Being extravagant is spending more than one’s means so it’s not something that we can put a limit or a number on. Being extravagant is also to spend on anything that one doesn’t need.
“…eat of its fruit when it bears fruit, and pay the due of it on the day of its reaping, and do not act extravagantly; surely He does not love the extravagant” (Quran 6:141)
The Quran makes it clear that time to a very valuable resource. Muslims are encouraged to be conscious of time, recognize its importance, and organize it wisely. God reminds humankind that life in this world is but temporary and they do not know when their appointed time of death will come. Muslims must not waste or abuse time, rather they must value it as a blessing from God the Almighty. A Muslim must understand that wasting even a single moment is an opportunity gone and will never return. When one’s time in this world is up, there is no going back and one will be held accountable for all that he or she has done. Time is indeed precious. God States:
"By time, Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience" (Quran 103: 1-3)
There are four questions which everyone will be faced on the day of Judgment. Prophet Muhammad said: ‘The feet of a slave will not move on the Day of Judgement until he has been questioned about four things: his life and how he spent it, his knowledge and how he acted upon it, his wealth and where he earned it and spent it, and his body and how he used it’
Islam covers all aspects of human life, including spouses’ sexual relations. God created sex, not only for procreation, but to fulfil humankinds need for intimacy. A Muslim is one that stays clear of adultery and illicit relations, expect with his or her spouse. Islam encourages marriage and has made it the only means through which one can satisfy their sexual needs. God, in his infinite wisdom, has guided humankind away from potentially destructive behavior of pre-marital or extra-marital relationships. There are many well-known consequences of one that engages in such relations. These include the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies leading to father-less children, emotional and financial difficulties arising from relationships without commitment and more. To avoid these complications, Islam has prohibited relations with anyone but one’s spouse. In fact, Islam considers pre-marital and extra-marital sexual relationships as great sins.
"And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way" (17:32)
When a man or woman is able to marry, they are encouraged to do so and will be aided by God in their attempts to get married.
Islam incorporates a basic set of rules designed to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and communities. The Islamic concepts of freedom, human rights, and the ability for one to live in a secure community are imbedded in and granted by Islamic law called the Sharia. One of the greatest sins one can commit in Islam is intentionally taking one’s life unless it’s for a just cause.
"But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment" (Quran 4:93)
Furthermore, Islam states to kill one person is like to kill mankind as a whole. God sates in his Book:
“We ordained ...that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind” (Quran 5:32)
One should recognize the sanctity of all lives and should not do anything that may jeopardize it. When Prophet Muhammad was asked what the major sins were, he said, “Associating others with God, disobeying one’s parents, murder and bearing false witness.
A Muslim is one that gives charity, helps the needy, the poor, and orphans. Giving to the needy is not just recommended by Islam, it is required of every financially stable Muslim. Zakat (alms-giving) is an obligation for those who have been blessed with wealth from God to respond to those members of the community in need. Orphans and all those who are vulnerable must be taken care of. In Islam, the true owner of everything one owns, is not mans’, but the ownership of God. Everything one owns is a gift from God and God has made a portion of it for the poor. Thus, the poor has a right over one’s wealth. The word ‘zakat’ in Arabic (alms-giving) linguistically means ‘purification’ because zakat purifies one’s heart of greed. The more one gives, the less greed one would have. Furthermore. Giving to one in need is an is a form of worship to God as well as an expression of and thanksgiving to God.
A Muslim is one that lives with humility and does not live with pride or arrogance. Nor is a Muslim boastful or vainglorious. Islam condemns pride and self-righteousness. A Muslim is one that thanks God for all his gifts and blessings and realizes the ultimate praise is for God the Almighty and the real glory belongs to Him and Only Him.
God states:
“And do not walk upon the earth exultantly. Indeed, you will never tear the earth [apart], and you will never reach the mountains in height” (Quran 17:37)
Prophet Muhammad, the best role model that ever step foot on Earth, was very modest in every respect and strongly encouraged modesty to his followers. In fact, he stated to his companions: ‘Modesty is a part of teachings of the previous Prophets and anyone who lacks it, is most likely to do whatever he likes.’ He also stated: ‘Modesty is part of faith, and faith leads to Paradise.
A Muslim is one that does not backbite or talk negatively on anyone without their presence. The Qur'an compares backbiting to eating the flesh of one’s own friend, which shows how hated this action is in Islam. Backbiting refers to anything that is said on someone behind their back even if it is true. If what was said is not true, it is considered even worse than backbiting because it is also a lie. A Muslim is one that leaves that which does not concern him or her and minds his/ her own business. Gossiping is a serious sin in Islam. The also Qur'an teaches one should not curse or ridicule anyone because perhaps the person they are violating may be better than him or her in many ways. A Muslims is one that speaks good words or remains silent. A Muslim is one that is careful with his or her tongue from using it for bad purposes such as telling lies, slander, gossip, cursing, profanity, or abuse.
A Muslim is one that tries their best to control his or her anger and to avoid acting impulsively. A Muslim is careful from allowing anger to be the cause of transgression, aggression, oppressing others, or envying others. A Muslim acknowledges anger is from evil whispers of the devil. A companion of the Prophet Muhammad once came to him and asked him for advice. Prophet Muhammad replied: ‘Do not get angry’ The man repeated the same question and the Prophet again replied: ‘Do not get angry,” and continued: ‘He is not strong and powerful who throws people down (wrestling) but he is strong who withholds himself from anger.’
Islam teaches Muslims the best way to greet his fellow brother or sister is with the Islamic greeting of ‘As-salamu Alaykum’ which translates to ‘peace be upon you’ which grants the other for protection, safety, security, and mercy from evils and faults. The name ‘Al-Salam’ is one of the names of God in Arabic, so it also means ‘May the blessing of His Name (God) descend upon you.’ No matter what nationality, ethnicity or color a Muslim brother or sister may be, it is an obligation for one to greet his fellow brother or sister as family, since all Muslims share the belief in One God and the last and final Prophet and Messenger Muhamad. Prophet Muhamad stated: ‘The Muslim has five rights over his fellow-Muslim: he should greet him with ‘salaam’, visit him when he is sick, attend his funeral, accept his invitation, and ask God to have mercy on him when he sneezes.’ Thus, it has been made obligatory for the one being greeted to greet in return with ‘Wa alaykum Asalam’ (and pace be upon you as well).
Imagine discovering something so amazing, beneficial, rewarding, and life changing. Imagine discovering something so big, as discovering the meaning of life, and the purpose of our existence. Something that would remove one’s anxiety and depression and replace it with eternal happiness, contentment and hope. How would one feel and what would one do with this knowledge? Most people would be so filled with excitement, they would want to tell everyone. For this very reason, Muslims try their best to convey and invite this message of Islam to as many people as they can. Muslims believe that the only key to contentment and happiness and be successful in this life and in the next is by living the way of Islam. Thus, Muslims spread the word of Islam because it involves obeying the commands of God and following the footsteps of the Prophets and Messenger whom were sent down to covey and spread the massage of Islam to help guide people to connect with their Lord. The mission of our Prophets was to call the people out of darkness and into light. Obeying the Prophets lead people to better and more content lives. It also saves people from disobeying God and entering the hell fire in the hereafter. Muslims also spread the word of Islam to gain unlimited rewards and goodness from God as well as to earn His pleasure. Muslims who sincerely want to spread the good news of Islam can see their rewards multiply even if their efforts are unsuccessful.
The act of inviting others to Islam is called ‘Da'wah’ which literally means ‘invitation’ and applies to conveying the message of Islam to non-Muslims and inviting them to Allah. The person who engages in the act of inviting others to Islam is called a ‘da’ee’. They invite people to connect and build a relationship with their Creator; the Creator of this world and all it contains. The Creator of you and I, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth. The Creator of the whole Universe. God commands in the Quran:
"Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in the best manner possible…" (Quran 16:125)
Whereas Islam states guidance only comes from God, and no one can embrace Islam except with the permission and will of the Almighty, Muslims are still obligated to convey the message of Islam according to their individual capacity and circumstance. Muslims also remind, re-educate, and motivate current non-practicing and lost Muslims to become better Muslims.
Whereas, preaching to large crowds of people would require training, the work of inviting people to Islam doesn’t not need to be from someone that is specialized in this field. Muslims can engage in many different ways of inviting people to connect with God. Inviting others to Islam can come in a form of words or by actions. For instance, one can teach others about Islam through his own actions and manners, i.e. being a good role model and bringing into practice the noble teachings of Islam can inspire or make one curious to learn more about Islam. In fact, a Muslim’s manner of living and dealing with others are often the best forms of inviting others to Islam. The best form of inviting is not from words but from one’s actions. Inviting others to Islam requires understanding, kindness, acceptance, patience, manners, and good behavior.
In addition, according to God, no one has a better speech than those who engage in calling upon others to his religion and way of life of Islam. The Quran says,
"And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims” (Quran 41:33)
There is no one whose speech is better than that of a person who calls people to the truth, for he is their guide to their Creator and Lord, the Lord is the One that takes them out of their darkness of misguidance into the light of faith.

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