2000 Mules

in mules •  2 years ago 


"2000 Mules" brings the usual suspects of Con Inc together to discuss (two years late) the stolen election of 2020. They put together a weak, circumstantial case around some sketchy video that 400,000 illegal mail-in ballots were enough to tip the balance of the 2020 election. In fact, the election numbers were faked as they have always been faked, at the highest level. Ballot-stuffing and ballot harvesting is irrelevant when the ballots are not even counted.

Millions of fraudulent ballots would not have been enough to derail the Trump train in 2020. Biden inspired no one. The Left was energized by Bernie, and they had no interest in voting for Biden. In 2020 the Left had already been thrown into disarray by the electioneering that put Biden on top. The "BLM Riots" were designed to cover up the lack of unity and support around Biden within the Left. Trump Derangement Syndrome was simulated by media personalities to give the impression that this passion would inspire leftists to vote for Biden.

In 2020, the American people were united around Trump. The results of the election were so completely counter-intuitive that a concerted media effort was necessary to neuter American outrage. The January 6 demonstration (including the faked "Capitol Shooting" video) was designed to turn American anger into American shame. The fraudulent ballot story was created as a fig leaf to cover the huge numbers behind the obviously stolen election. "You don't need a lot of fraud, you just need a little at the right time."

Neither party wants true election reform. It's not that getting rid of drop boxes or voting machines will restore American democracy, but they don't want Americans actively involved in the voting process at all. Con Inc has been deployed to cover up the fact (laid bare for all to see in 2020) that election results have been faked for generations now. The current story is that the election was faked by 5%, implying that Biden's popularity was within five percent of Trump. This rewriting of history is the fatal flaw behind "2000 Mules".

The election of 2020 assigned 81 million votes to Biden when he could not have attracted even 10 million votes. Trump may have gotten 50 or 60 million votes, if they had been counted. In any case, the numbers are irrelevant. Democracy is simulated, not practiced. No global empire is going to allow its citizens to dictate public policy or even select its leaders. The voting numbers are completely invented to serve long term global projects and nothing is going to change that. Getting rid of mail-in ballots might restore faith in democracy, but since "we'll never know the true story" (as Charlie Kirk says) voting will remain a dark art.

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