Multi tasking is defined by Merriam-webster as the concurrent performance of several jobs by a computer. Nowadays this is essential to any job may it be at home or in a regular office. It has become a normal thing to do and a routine to people who work in call centers and even to people that take in freelance work.
So, is multitasking is it really making your brain dull?
I do not think this is the case, maybe it just the fact that you are not focused on one thing. I have heard that if you focus on something for eight second the brain gets to remember better. So for me, multitasking does not make your brain dull but it just makes you less focused.
So, if you do not want to be called a scatterbrain at work or anywhere else, do use you multitasking skill in moderation and I think this will help you finish one job quicker. This will make the job more concise and I think it will have less room for revision and save time. It will help you remember the methods you have used that way if it was right you can easily remember them the next time you have to apply them to another project.
It really depends on the capacity of one’s brain, after all some people I know can focus better if they have music in the background, their favorite show on TV or even while eating.
How to save time is one thing but how to save time and have a quality output is another thing.