Adult Diabetes : American Fruit Has Hidden Benefits

in muscadine •  5 years ago 

Once people get over 45 years of age, the risk of getting adult diabetes increases. And that risk continues with age. In the USA, over 25% of people over 65 have diabetes … and more than 90% of people with diabetes have Type 2 ‘adult diabetes’ variant.

What causes adult diabetes? The biggest factor is being overweight. And that’s because a diet of processed food, sugary carbs and too little exercise leads to there being too many ‘free radical’ molecules in the body. Those free radicals are rogue atoms that crash around the body, causing damage to cells and even DNA. In fact, free radicals promote adult diabetes in two ways.

First, free radicals damage the ability of the pancreas to manufacture insulin. Insulin is the hormone which carries blood glucose around the body so it can be used for energy production.

Second, free radicals also prevent insulin receptors in cells throughout the body from accepting the glucose which the insulin carries.

The end result is too much glucose in the blood, which leads to serious health conditions like an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, blindness and circulation problems. On top of which too little energy for the cells results in tiredness … so people take less exercise, are tempted to eat more carbs, and so the problem gets worse.

The good news is that fruit antioxidants can mop up free radicals. And a powerful superfruit is the all American muscadine. Stronger than celebrity fruits like mangosteen, the muscadine is packed with polyphenols like resveratrol and quercetin, plus OPC oligomeric proanthocyanidins antioxidants. Those molecules can help reduce free radical damage … and start to repair the damage already done to cells over the years.

Muscadinex makes three grapeseed health supplements using muscadine grapes. Muscadinex NRG is a super-strong cardio antioxidant supplement that also includes coconut extract for cleaner energy. Muscadinex MX2 adds Florida blueberry for pterostilbene brain protection. And Muscadinex MX1 is their strongest product for natural muscadine resveratrol, ellagic acid, and quercetin. All products are 100% vegetarian and made in the U.S. in FDA-inspected facilities.

Thanks for reading :)

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