Just Watching

in muse •  6 years ago 

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I have no idea as to whether or not anyone will really read this so i will make it my policy to write as though no one is watching. The best muses are written when not attempting to impress nor follow social norms.
On that note, the norm nowadays is to try avoid norms and in that way my sentance was just a paradox. a truth and a false statement at the same time. in life there are many many thousands of double meanings behind actions, writings, and even food, color, style choices, news, everything. Deception is a main art.
I saw something the other day, someone else taking on the face of a trusted person and stating news, now this was just something to bring awareness to the fact that tech nowadays makes it rediculously easy to impersonate and spread false rumours etc. well the only true news we get is what is implied rather than what is said.
Lately i have been having the issue of not really listening when people talk to me. not an idea as to the words but aware of the implications. it has been a bummer trying to keep conversations going when you know what they are getting at. Straight to the point all! please.
I am an observer type i believe. one who is quiet and sits in the back of the room and watches, i dont do awful at anything, nor do i do good at anything, other than keeping things in and the occasional surprise! for those around me when those observations come out. I may have been called creepy for it before because i read a persons entire intentions by watching them across the room, talked to them and told them all about themselves. maybe a slight exaggeration, but i could tell him he preferred people of the intellectual type, who had a more clean, plain jane style, dark colors and contrast. not knowing things scares him, and he is constantly on the look-out for the latest and the greatest, not wanting to fall behind. what people think of another can be observed through thier interactions with them. in a room you can watch and a heirarchy will spill out in a short while. a dominant, a follower, a challenger, one seeking consoladation, one who is shy and scared. It is a beautiful sight to be able to see so clearly. you can gauge intentions based off of their types and the body language they exhume. listen to some music, you need not hear the words to know what is going on in a room of people. it is a dance a charade of personality and style. this gets more fun when you get to know the people, your readings become highly accurate and you begin to be able to predict precise actions.
If anyone is able or willing to expand on this i would love to hear about it in the comments! Does anyone have similar experiences?
and lastly, do we as observers have anything to do with the outcome of society? i for one do not disturb the flow of energy and happenings, what would happen if we stopped observing and interacted?

your curious observer

  • WhiteFang
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