To the Muses

in muses •  7 years ago 

You are the daughters of the storm
Companions of the light
Singers of the songs of creation

 You, Calliope, writer and scribe ff the stories of our forefathers
You, Urania, looking to heaven Charting the stars as they make their way
You, Clio, charter of history Keeping the memory of civilization alive
You, Thalia, giver of laughter Teaching us truth through comedy
You, Euterpe, singer of songs Whose poems rhyme best with music to guide them
You, Terpsichore, dancing in beauty Whose form moves to the song of the cosmos
You, Erato, lover of words Whose words bring love to the human heart
You, Polyhymnia, of the sacred song Whose hymns bring joy to man and god
You, Melpomene, of the tragic tale Whose words remind us of the wrongs of man

You are the daughters of memory
Companions of poets
Dancers on the edge of reality

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