Handpan Jeongak battle of the Qawwali bands, Damaru to the five animals style dance

in music-capital •  7 years ago  (edited)

Jeongak (literally "proper music") is that category of Korean music which is considered classical, as distinct from minsogak which is folk music. The category has traditionally been associated with the upper classes.

The Korean barrel drum is a shallow, barrel-shaped drum used in several types of Korean music, one of the many traditional Korean drums. This variety of drum has a round wooden body that is covered on both ends with animal skin.

They are categorized as hyekbu (혁부, 革部) which are instruments made with leather, and has been used for jeongak (Korean court music) and folk music.

Hwa rang Jesuits can you get for Olympian gold?

Handpan is a term for a group of musical instruments resulting from a growing worldwide interest in the Hang, an instrument invented and built by the company PANArt Hangbau AG.


Musical instrument

The Hang is a musical instrument in the idiophone class created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Bern, Switzerland.

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A damaru (Sanskrit: damaru; Tibetan ཌཱ་མ་རུ; Devanagari: डमरु) or damru is a small two-headed drum, used in Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. In Hinduism, the damru is known as the instrument of the deity Shiva, and is said to be created by Shiva to produce spiritual sounds by which the whole universe has been created and regulated. In Tibetan Buddhism, the damaru is used as an instrument in tantric practices.

Mu vs. Aum in metaphysical court

Korean barrel drum

The Korean barrel drum is a shallow, barrel-shaped drum used in several types of Korean music, one of the many traditional Korean drums. This variety of drum has a round wooden body that is covered on both ends with animal skin.

The book of Numbers to the Sri Yantra power of a Mayan Mersenne

In the Chinese martial arts, imagery of the Five Animals (Chinese: 五形; pinyin: wǔ xíng; literally: "Five Forms")—Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake, and Dragon—appears predominantly in Southern styles, especially those associated with Guangdong and Fujian Provinces. An alternate selection which is also widely used is the crane, the tiger, the monkey, the snake, and the mantis.

The Five Animal martial arts supposedly originated from the Henan Shaolin Temple, which is north of the Yangtze River, even though imagery of these particular five animals as a distinct set (i.e. in the absence of other animals such as the horse or the monkey as in T'ai chi ch'uan or Xíngyìquán) is either rare in Northern Shaolin martial arts—and Northern Chinese martial arts in general—or recent (cf. wǔxíngbāfǎquán; 五形八法拳; "Five Form Eight Method Fist").

In Mandarin, "wǔxíng" is the pronunciation not only of "Five Animals," but also of "Five Elements," the core techniques of Xíngyìquán, which also features animal mimicry (but of 10 or 12 animals rather than 5) and, with its high narrow Sāntǐshì (三體勢) stance, looks nothing so much like a Fujianese Southern style stranded in the North.

The Seven Deadly Sins (Christianity) and the Five Poisons (Buddhism)

Hey... let's start a band, and call ourselves the animals (it's been done). According to bassist/singer Randy Jackson, jazz fusion is an exceedingly difficult genre to play. Cold fusion is a hypothesized type of nuclear reaction that would occur at, or near, room temperature. Abstaining from lying, from divisive speech, from abusive speech, & from idle chatter: This is called right speech." — Samyutta Nikaya XLV.8 The ten evil karmas are (1) killing, (2) stealing, (3) sexual misconduct, (4) false speech, (5) divisive speech, (6) abusive speech, (7) suggestive speech, (8) greed (9) anger, (10) wrong view (sutra of accepting the ten good karmas as precepts).

Qawwali (Nastaʿlīq: قوّالی‎) is a form of Sufi devotional music originated in India. It is popular in many parts of India including throughout North India, East India, Central India, Delhi, Hyderabad, and in Punjab and Sindh regions of Pakistan, and many parts of Bangladesh.

Originally performed at Sufi shrines or dargahs throughout South Asia, it gained mainstream popularity and International audience in late 20th century. 700 years of music history is rich in culture of succession appointment disputes of Wahhabism, Shia Muslims or Twelvers, disputing with Sunni and then Sufi Muslim mystical influence as well Sikhism. Qawwali is a form of Sufi devotional music originated in India.

The Bhakti movement refers to the spiritual devotional trend that emerged in old-fashioned Hinduism and later reformed in Sikhism. It started in the eighth-century Tamil south India (now parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala), and spread northwards. The Sikh Guru's and the Bhakti movement shared many similarities as well as a number of differences. Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak Sahib (1469-1539) . Guru Nanak Sahib was born in a Hindu family but he never adopted a Hindu religion. He rejected Hinduism and its rituals (caste system of inequities, etc.).

Sufism is the mystical branch of Islam. A Sufi is a Muslim, who seeks for annihilation of the ego in God. The Salafi movement or Salafist movement or Salafism is an ultra-conservative reform branch or movement within Sunni Islam that developed in Arabia in the first half of the 18th century. It advocated a return to the traditions of the "forefathers'" (the salaf), which are based on their self-image on the "salafs".

The Singh Sabha Movement was a Sikh movement begun in the late 19th century in reaction to the proselytising activities of Christians, Brahmo Samajis, Arya Samaj, Muslim Aligarh movement and Ahmadiyah.

Sant Dnyaneshwar 1940 Full Movie

There are similarities with the Pharisees and Jesus with the story of Saint Dnyaneshwar (1275-1276). Power corrupts some Brahman clerics for Saint Dnyaneshwar as happened with the Pharisees and Jesus. To a degree I suspect this directed guru Nanak Sahib with founding Sikhism (1469-1539) addressing social justice with orphans, elders, etc. in a similar manner. For Example: (After the Crusade) The end of Richard the Lionheart's life was marked by incessant conflict with his great rival, the King of France, Philip Augustus, who, keen to bring the Plantagenets back into line, had tried to involve himself in the family disputes that had torn them apart before the death of Henry II. Genghis Khan killed over 12% of the 13th century world's population. Many of them were farmers.

The Mongol invasion of Europe in the 13th century was the conquest of Europe by the Mongol Empire, by way of the destruction of East Slavic principalities, such as Kiev and Vladimir. Several attempts at a Franco-Mongol alliance against the Islamic caliphates, their common enemy, were made by various leaders among the Frankish Crusaders and the Mongol Empire in the 13th century. Such an alliance might have seemed an obvious choice: the Mongols were already sympathetic to Christianity, given the presence of many influential Nestorian Christians in the Mongol court. The Franks (Western Europeans and those in the Crusader States of the Levant) were open to the idea of support from the East, in part owing to the long-running legend of the mythical Prester John, an Eastern king in a magical kingdom who many believed would one day come to the assistance of the Crusaders in the Holy Land. The Franks and Mongols also shared a common enemy in the Muslims. However, despite many messages, gifts, and emissaries over the course of several decades, the often-proposed alliance never came to fruition.

Fast forward over five hundred years of music. Sounds neat. Do that in reverse, now scratch dub and to a rap beat hear these words:

From 1845 to 1847, a wave of passionate inquiry swept the country and countless congregations listened with wonder to the testimonies of the Báb’s followers. The principles, standards and laws they promoted challenged the whole structure of society. Inspired by His message, thousands upon thousands of people embraced His teachings and became known as Bábís. In the Babi movement, the former considerations as the Bhakti movement are given for reference

salus populi suprema lex esto the good of the people is the supreme law

salvo errore et omissione (s.e.e.o.) save for error and omission

scilicet (scire licet) one is permitted to know

scientia est potentia knowledge is power

Now, MC, Master of Ceremony in the music capitol of the world has the joker roast as part of the five animal dance in the urban jungle...

A Rabi, a Bishop and a Mullah mosey into a caravanserai:

Who has high score with Whac-A-Mole NOW, the Mullah taunted and teased with game face on. What Khazar trader talk the Rabi jibbed in. Calling dibs on stonemason caber toss tie breaker rites, the Bishop boldly moved on the money talking crusade.

Ted Kennedy's contribution to the ARPANET: the Interfaith Message Processor

Civic duty, civic responsibility and spiritual contracts

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am not a robot and applied humanity arts research to solicit a grant with the Morales sisters and made a post at their You Tube channel Mr. (B)robot. Watch me dance to the robot style to Jim Morrison for the programing priests of the Technocracy:

Scrying Sapta Loka & Tala sexagrams as internal and external loka (Rūpa-loka (rūparāga)/Arūpaloka/Kāmaloka) modeling eigenstates of parity positron emission -(extreme ultraviolet)- black light emissions with spin-lattice relaxation of antinucleon annihilation of electrophilic substitutions of soddy circle smectic plasmon surfactant as a proton exchange membrane, ion exchange resin as cation QENS neutron reflector Pi Josephson junction with Godunov's scheme of cavitation in underwater acoustics all by loving robots that may be programed by humans, because, that would be swell.

In Islam, الودود (al-Wadud) is one of the 99 names of God. It means the Most Loving. It was mentioned twice in the Quran. Fozzie Bear is a Muppet character known for his lack of innate and effective comedy skills. Fozzie is an orange-brown bear who often wears a brown pork pie hat and a red and white polka dot necktie. The line Fozzie the bear says after a very cheezy joke is Waka waka waka.

Your Pink GIGO Robot AI does not compute to my doing the robot dance: lihat keterampilan menari saya!

Listening to this time traveling track (miming my own business at the silent disco) performing interpretive bee dance dimensional diagrams like a neuro-fuzzy system is a fuzzy system that uses a learning algorithm derived from or inspired by neural network theory to determine its parameters (fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules) by, waka, processing, waka, data samples, waka.

Al-Wakil is another of the 99 names of God and translates as The Trustee, The Dependable, The Advocate. I admire Fozzie bear for his emotional agility to deliver his comic lines the best he is able even though he is a puppet, and as he does not usually play the role of a corrupt state actor whom has sold his soul like with Faust as the protagonist of a classic German legend, based on the historical Johann Georg Faust (c. 1480–1540) but if Fozzie the bear did play the role and it was televised in Russian like an apparatchik of good faith trucker slang for a police helicopter when Fozzie is having his dark knight of his soul with batman as a Russian spy cells and in questionable state acts of declaring Waka Al-Wakil Waka Al-Wakil Waka when declaring testimony at an international tribunal counsel and the Chinese need some more convincing, so if he was like Judas and betrayed Jesus like in a muppet rendition of Jesus Christ super star performed by dancing with Evangelicals, I believe even double agent Fozzie bear may display convincingly for children of many nations the true meaning of bad faith Damaru beatings as a human condition as judged by non denominational robots hacked for the election fire drills in the year of the dog.