(2019.11.11) K-classical song/saahyaang 사향 Thinking of a hometown

in music-korean •  5 years ago 

(2019.11.11) K-classical song

Following is a song for this week.

Thinking of a hometown

This song is about a hometown where red persimmons get ripened in autumn. The period depicted in this song seems to be 1960s or earlier.

Lyrics: 오영수 (OH Young-Soo, ‘Bio info’_Unknown)
Music: 심순보 (SHIM Soon-Bo, 1957-now)
Artist: Sop. 임청화 (IM Chong-Wha, ‘Bio info’_Unknown)

Gaawuuruun gawuuruun yeepeezeenuun gaawuuruun
가을은 가을은 잎이 지는 가을은
In the autumn when all the tree leaves are fallen to the ground

Omonee puumsokchorom gohyaangyee guureeworaa
어머니 품속처럼 고향이 그리워라
I miss my hometown like the mother’s arms of mine

Soree maazuun baansheegaamee zeepzeepmaadaa buulguuryonee
서리 맞은 [반시감]1이 집집마다 붉으려니
There in my hometown the red-colored [banshee persimmons]
1 of every house will get ripened

Nopsaegaa buunuun naaruun yondo naaleeree
높새가 부는 날은 연도 날리리
And they will fly the kites up in the sky when there is a strong wind

Gaawuuruun gawuuruun taahyaangsaaree gaawuuruun
가을은 가을은 타향살이 가을은
In the autumn when I live away from home

Haalmonee naanzongchorom gohyaangyee guureeworaa
할머니 [난정]*2처럼 고향이 그리워라
I miss my hometown like the grandmother’s affection of mine

[Gaaldae]3 peen ondogae daalttuunuun baameemyon
3 핀 언덕에 달뜨는 밤이면
At night the moon rises over the [reed-filled]*3 hill

Chodaangbaang yeelkkuunduurae tuungso soreedo duuleeryonee
초당방 일꾼들의 퉁소 소리도 들리려니
Workers of the thatched hut will play the bamboo flutes

Chodaangbaang yeelkkuunduurae tuungso soreedo duuleeryonee
초당방 일꾼들의 퉁소 소리도 들리려니
Workers of the thatched hut will play the bamboo flutes
*1. Picture below of banshee persimmons (반시감)

*2. The meaning is not known but it may imply the affection.
*3. The reeds grow at the riverside or wetland, while silver grass grows at the hills or mountains. Accordingly, ‘the reed-filled’ should have been ‘the grass silver-filled’.

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