I'm inflation, do not clash with me headfirst...steemCreated with Sketch.

in music •  5 years ago 

This poem is written by my brother. He is also a good poet and writer along with a very nice person. Last time i posted one poem and many people appreciated. Everyone writes a different kind of poetry, but my brother thought, I write about inflation.

Today once again I'm going to present a poem about inflation.

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  • मै हूँ महंगाई

मै हूँ महंगाई
मै हूँ महंगाई मुझसे न टकराना
बिना खाद पानी लाजिमी है बढ़ जाना
मै हर जगह हूँ दाँतो तले उंगली मत दबाना
मै हूँ महंगाई मुझसे ना टकराना

मै कहाँ हूँ ये सब पूछते हैं
मुझे हटाने की सब सोचते हैं
मेरी उपस्थिति पर मंत्री प्रधानमंत्री को कोसते हैं
मै हूँ महंगाई मुझसे ना टकराना

ना मै निर्जीव हूँ ना मै सजीव
फिर भी चीज हूँ अजीब
आटा , चावल , पेट्रोल के भावो में
नगर, शहर, ग्राम और कसबों में
मै हूँ महंगाई मुझसे ना टकराना

घर के लिए हो राशन का सवाल
या घर का उठाना हो दिवाल
हर जगह मेरा ही आता है ख्याल
मै हूँ महंगाई मुझसे ना टकराना

आमदनी अठन्नी और खर्चा रुपैया
इस महंगाई से पसीने हो गए भैया
मेरा ही बोलबाला नाचूँ ताथा थेय्या
मै हूँ महंगाई मुझसे ना टकराना

मुझे हटाने का बहुत सारा है उपाय
खर्च करो कम और अपनी आमदनी बढ़ाओ
जनसंख्या नियंत्रण, प्रदूषण पर रोक लगाओ
मेहनत करो ज्यादा खुद को आत्मनिर्भर बनाओ
कल कारखाने लगाओ और पैदावार बढ़ाओ
मै हूँ महंगाई मुझसे ना टकराना

Here's in English translated by one of the best translator @sharnaithal. Even Google will appreciate his work

  • I am Inflation

I am Inflation
I am Inflation, do not clash with me headfirst
I grow without water or compost
I'm everywhere, so don't be pale like you've seen a ghost
I am Inflation, do not clash with me headfirst

Where I am, everybody asks & wants to know
Everybody thinks about how to this Inflation forgo
Curse Ministers, Prime Minister when my presence I show
I am Inflation, do not clash with me headfirst

Neither inanimate, nor alive I am
Though as a weird thing I have been programmed
In prices of flour, rice & gasoline
In town, city, village & suburbs I am in
I am Inflation, do not clash with me headfirst

Whether it's a question of a house's ration
Or about its wall's demolition
Everywhere comes the thought of me — inflation
I am Inflation, do not clash with me headfirst

Expenditure exceeding income
Seeing this inflation fearfully sweating & then some
My word only prevails, I dance to my own tune so fun
I am Inflation, do not clash with me headfirst

To remove me, there's been a lot of solutions
Spend less, increase your earnings and
Control population, stop pollution
Work hard, be self-dependent, go through evolution
Establish factories tomorrow, up your production
I am Inflation, do not clash with me headfirst

This post was translated from Hindi to English by @sharanaithal of the Lost In Translation community – @lit.
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Thank you so much for support. Love to share more

It's me


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Thank you @abfarhan, for taking @litranslation's services and helping the community in taking another step toward a greater understanding of one another.
