in music •  8 years ago 

Hello steemians

Today I want to show you one of the things that I like and is to listen to music,

Especially the ROCK among other subgroups of the same.

I really started when I was in high school listening to groups like BLINK 182, SUM 41, LIKIN PARK, SIMPLE PLAN, AVRIL LAVIGNE among others.

||||hola steemians

hoy quiero mostrarles una de las cosas que mas me gusta y es escuchar musica,

en especial el ROCK entre otros subgrupos del mismo.

Realmente empeze cuando estaba en la secundaria escuchando  grupos como BLINK  182, SUM 41, LIKIN PARK, SIMPLE PLAN, AVRIL LAVIGNE entre otros.||||

After as I was growing up and getting more into the genre I got to know other groups like METALLICA, AUDIOSLAVE, and many more.

|||| Despues como fui creciendo y adentrandome mas en el genero fui conociendo otros grupos como METALLICA,AUDIOSLAVE, y muchos mas.||||

The truth with the band that I stay without a doubt is NIRVANA, when you listen to his music his lyrics the truth is in love with the band.

||||La verdad con la banda con la que me quedo sin duda alguna es NIRVANA, cuando escuche su musica sus letras la verdad quede enamorado de la banda.||||


Band from aberdeen, whasington, formed by the great KURT D. COBAIN vocalist and guitarist of the band, along with bassist KRIS NOVOsELIC and drummer DAVE GROHL, considered one of the most influential bands of the 90's, with great Songs like SMELL LIKE TEEN SPIRIT; IN BLOOM, LITHIUM.

||||Banda originaria de aberdeen, whasington, conformada por el gran KURT D. COBAIN vocalista y guitarrista de la banda, junto con el bajista KRIS NOVOsELIC y el baterista DAVE GROHL, considerada como una de las bandas mas influyentes de los 90´s, con grandes canciones como SMELL LIKE TEEN SPIRIT; IN BLOOM, LITHIUM.||||

What I liked most about the NIRVANA band was their UNPLUGGED in New York, it was great to listen to them in that kind of event, also in their last song WHERE DID YOU SLEEP THE LAST NIGHT, what I was most motivated was that scream in the Last of the song that made many people uncomfortable and gave them goosebumps.

||||De lo que mas me ah gustado de la banda NIRVANA fue su UNPLUGGED en nueva york, fue genial escucharlos en ese tipo de eventos, ademas en su ultima cancion WHERE DID YOU SLEEP THE LAST NIGHT, lo que mas me motivo fue ese grito en la ultima de la cancion que hizo estremeser a mucha gente y les puso la piel de gallina.||||

The question here is that it would have been part of the band NIRVANA had not passed the trajedia of the suicide of KURT D. COBAIN.

||||La pregunta aqui es que hubiera side de la banda NIRVANA si no hubiese pasado la trajedia del suicidio de KURT D. COBAIN.||||

Friends I hope and like my post and leave your vote, I also hope and participate in my post commenting if they have the same taste for music as me and tell me which bands they like.

||||Amigos espero y les guste mi post y dejen su voto, tambien espero y participen en mi post comentando si tienen el mism gusto por la musica que yo y me digan que bandas les gusta.||||

see you in the next post.

||||nos vemos en el siguiente post.||||


imagenes tomadas de google  imagenes

Images taken from google images

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