Song of the day,28.03.2018.

in music •  7 years ago 

When i make a profile here on steemit,i was very excited for having a chance to share my love for music,my thoughts,favorite bands,songs with people from all around the world.And now few months later feeling is still the same,i don't care how much money will i make because it is secondary thing in this to me.

For sure i won't expect to have over 200 followers,but i don't know how but last week i reached that number.So this song have significant title,Led Zeppelin and beautiful song Thank You,as thank you to all of you who followed me,support me and share your thoughts and everything about music.

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Congrats! :) Keep on writing

Thanks a lot,man :)

Congrats @armacener! Thanks for your sharings. Let's make together a great rock community! (@twolittlebirds is showing us the way, he,he!). I'm really excited letting know new bands to people with my posts (a shame that my english is not so good). I'm also on the way to the 200 followers, more than expected too.