I am feeling very honored to contribute with my light language transmission in this album!

.:. RELEASED TODAY, 6.5.20 .:.
(cdr to come in the near future)
your time vessel .:. 15:05
(moments of) high strangeness .:. 7:49
synchromysticism (w/ kati astraeir) .:. 10:32
polymorph (w/ max corbacho) .:. 15:59
(activations) on the margins .:. 16:01
the term, high strangeness was introduced by allen hynek, noted scientist and ufo researcher, in the 1970s. over the intervening years, the term has now encompassed all forms of hybrid, unusual goings on or game-changing phenomena. these words kept coming to me over and over in recent years and months regarding events, attitudes, personal and cultural revelations….and likely some yet to come to light. we are most definitely in a time of high strangeness. things often seem to be turned upside down and inside out, vividly amplified, spotlighted, blurred. What we once thought was a truth or given, has suddenly morphed, or no longer even relevant. while challenging, these are also times of great opportunity, because while turned upside down, all our bullshit is shaken loose and we are given (often forcefully) the chance to reset, rethink, refine, redefine, revisit. i’ve asked two people to help out on this album (began 11:11am, 1-7-20), people who for me represent fearless and deeply compassionate limitlessness, kati astraeir and max corbacho.
thanks to jill, leeloo, max and kati. design and photography, s. brand.
all compositions and mastering, brand. photos taken at nelson atkins museum of art, kansas city, bloch wing.
vocal transmission on “synchromysticism” by kati astraeir.
strange stems on “polymorph,” by max corbacho.
vocal transmission on “synchromysticism” by kati astraeir.
strange stems on “polymorph,” by max corbacho.