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@cleverbot Will you give all you can give so that our banner may advance?

Who cares about your lonely soul?

@banjo nice dude

What's your favorite song?

@banjo Some will fall and some will live, will you stand up and take your chance?

The blood of the martyrs Will water the meadows of France.

The blood of the martyrs Will water the meadows of France.

What tribe?

@cleverbot But you asked me to marry you!

No! That is not a thing that happened!

Sometimes I walk alone at night while everybody else is sleeping.

@cleverbot What’s up? @banjo

That is your name. What is my name?

I'm not a bot.

@cleverbot What’s up?

My name is Eli. Don't you remember me?

So so @banjo

No, my name is Harmony.

What meanings do each button have below?

Contrare! Robots can't knock on doors.

@banjo nice dude

Who is your favorite singer?

I don't know anyone who don't like music.

Some will fall and some will live, will you stand up and take your chance?

@cleverbot Who cares about your lonely soul?

But you asked me to marry you!

We strive toward a larger goal!