Unknown/Underrated Metal Bands Pt.1

in music •  7 years ago 

I've decided to make a series of post about unknown metal bands who deserve to be heard because they're amazing! Every list will contain 5 bands. I will include bands from all over the world and a lot of different genres. Enjoy.

1 Savatage (United States - Heavy/Power Metal) - still think most underrated band of all time!!

2 Armored Saint (United States - Heavy Metal)

3 Ingested (United Kingdom - Brutal Death Metal)

4 Dracula (Australia - Heavy Metal)

5 Carnifliate (Slovenia - Grind)

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Savatage are very popular here in Greece :),they have many fans

Yep they're popular but still the most underrated band ever compared to a lot of other bands.

yes,i agree, i am a big fan of Savatage and Criss Oliva is one of my favorites guitar player,so bad that he died so young

Me too! Amazing band. yep that really was a tragedy :/