RE: I Quit Work : Full Time Dtube & Content Creation, Thank You Dtube !!

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I Quit Work : Full Time Dtube & Content Creation, Thank You Dtube !!

in music •  7 years ago 

This is an incredible step to take and I am very excited to hear how this pans out for you. I too, like most others, dream of being able to make a career out of pursuing something they love, with the added bonus of generating income. I have only been active on here for the past 24 hours but I am already getting a scope of what Steemit and DTube is making possible. This will be a post I make reference to many a time as I strive towards the same end result with my own music and creative output.

Best of luck Todd!


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Welcome to Steemit,

This is a possible life changing platform. Dive into the system, leearn it inside and out. Steemit has tons of little easter eggs. I’m still learning, sharing as I learn and evolve. Trying to help others gain ground and grow. I love the idea Steemit can help so many reach their dreams and full potential.

You found Steemit still relatively young, congratulations on that my friend. Keep learning , stay creative. You’ll reach your dreams soon enough. Thank you for taking the time to check out the video.