2018 Metal Album Review, But in 2019??? - "The Sound of Steel" by Exmortus

in music •  6 years ago 

So, I must admit that this particular review is a little different for me.... the reason being that I haven't really been into Exmortus for that long. I happened upon them within the last year when I splurged a little finances on a special CD sale that was going on through Prosthetic Records, the label Exmortus is signed to. A few of their albums happened to be part of said sale, so I figured, "why not?"

But I digress....

(Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj54v_Brv_gAhVmT98KHfV2BXgQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbravewords.com%2Fnews%2Fexmortus-begin-work-on-new-album-announce-tour-dates&psig=AOvVaw0XWjZ2j8RtT7DLlItH0qaE&ust=1552574886144036)

So, here we are. After acquiring some Exmortus albums, I have had the pleasure of listening to "The Sound of Steel", which is to date their most recent release. And honestly, not too bad. It makes me feel reminiscent of a nice combination of thrash and death metal, with some power metal undertones, not unlike Skeletonwitch (more on that band in a later review). But all that aside, this was a very solid record, considering that we are living in a modern society in the realm of metal music where virtually everything has been done before. Not a bad effort for a recycled metal subgenre.

(Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiHqL3RtP_gAhUkSN8KHRknCrIQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bandsintown.com%2Fa%2F14342-exmortus&psig=AOvVaw0XWjZ2j8RtT7DLlItH0qaE&ust=1552574886144036)

In an age where good, solid, tight, quality metal songwriting seems to be something of a rarity, it is refreshing to come across a band like Exmortus. It has a way of taking me back into the glory days of thrash, but with a modern twist. Don't believe me? Check below and listen for yourself!

Make Haste

To the Ends of the Earth

Turn the Tide


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