Music Production 2022 - All 39 Titles, 25 YouTube Copyrights and 14 Collaborative Contributions

in music •  2 years ago  (edited)

Events that occurred during the weeks and months of production.
Notes Taken During Music Creation 2022

Dreamer - Extended Trip Hop Mix

Encore 69 - Blue Suede Boogie Mix (My Babe)

Marching Band Style Hip Hop Mix ( Low Rider )

Encore 69 - Johnny C. Goode

Hard House Mix ( BKS - 4 Your Love )

Saturdance ( Live Mix 1 )

..a one-take mix with the Roots version of the song Din Da Da, that had me feeling the words "throw yo set in tha air" when it was just done (when you know the timing is not happening that way twice).

I have recomposed Amir's drums before (Questlove, drummer, composer, etc.. for the Roots). The previous experience, was with a recomposition from the song Honey. I had no idea there were so many remixes, that might be a record ..the original by Erykah Badu and supporting musicians, has many parts ..artfully characteristic of the Roots, they paid for it in short-term album sales ..but have better long-term potential a Pink Floyd album.

Saturdance ( Live Mix 2 )

Multicultural Phoenix Rising - Group Mediatation ( Didgeridoo is a Colonial Sin Mix )

A World of Strings - Wise Cut ( Short Version )

Erykah Badu - Honey (Shakup Edit)

Casino Royale Mix - Double O Transcendance

Art of Trance Silver AnniversaReMix 1

Art of Trance Silver AnniversaReMix 2

Buddy Rich and the Chemical Brothers - Channel One Drum Roll

Buddy Rich and the Chemical Brothers - Big Band Beat

Buddy Rich and the Chemical Brothers - Mr. D. A.

Ella Fitzgerald, Dorothy Ashby, Girl from Ipanema, Oscar Peterson and Louis Armstrong at Tom's Diner

Ale or Rent (One Take Mix)

90 Minute Mix 2022 (Dance St.)

Dance Cru (Single Edit)

Lookin' Like A Queen (Gordon Lightfoot and The Hu)


The Hearth of Urban Tribal - (Blondie and The Hu)

Buddha-Built Hardcore

Rhythm Soles

Sitar in the Jazz

Shankar's Complement Rhythms

Hi Jack, A Plane

Sow Row Dreams


Hippy-Hop Flower

Mixed during summer, edited months later. The morning after the edit, I received the news that a friend passed away (Gloria Cheslock). Grace Slick says interesting things, while singing backward at Woodstock.

50 Minute Hippy Hop Mix

64-Bit Glenn Miller Orchestra - A String of Pearls (1941)

64-Bit Benny Goodman - Sing, Sing, Sing (1955) The Benny Goodman Story

64-Bit Thelonious Monk - Light Blue

64-Bit Dizzy Gillespie - Manteca/ St. Thomas

1:00 am December 25th 2022 ..I awoke to find, no one owned Dizzy Gillespie's - Manteca/ St. Thomas, apparently I do (this feels awkward, it is multicultural but also black history).

First the song says "I wanna go back to Georgia" ..I am from French Canada and have never been across the border, why should I possess a piece of Jazz/ Black history? I found underwear, written "Dizzy" on them. Could I give it back in some ceremonial form? ..or trade like a baseball card, for American promotion skills/ resources? ..hmm, back-burner till I know which choose to choice.

64-Bit Glenn Miller - In the Mood

64-Bit Charles Mingus - What Love (bickering instruments @ the halfway mark)

64-Bit Maxime Carrière - I'm a runnin' (Rufus Wainwright) - Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller

Preparing a 2023 without balaclava and Nazi symbol-wearing goons in FORD patrol cars.

A dummy majority filled Auschwitz, with daily denials and mercenary behaviour excused by the "Nuremberg Defense", all claimed to be "doing their job." For two decades, millions have profited from fraudulent claims and the destruction of vulnerable human beings. The Commonwealth is entirely infiltrated and invaded by American white supremacist Axis FORCES ..we used to benefit from military and police SERVICES, prior to the invasion of Canada. MY BOOTS represent the independent Canadian military, as it was granted by His Majesty post WWI, for courage and initiative displayed at the battle of Vimy Ridge.

The scumbags wearing the upward-pointing blades from the cover of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" during the past two decades, all are overpaid and overfed traitors ..everyday I have to look at their traitor faces, in droves. The Muslim-eating majority, do not want to cough-up the Muslims they ate during two lost decades of global white supremacy and lawlessness ..implementing cruel and unusual punishments ..I have surprises, for the cruel and unusual (I can be creative at solving problems also).

Jazzing-Away Sickle Cell Anemia, While the World Harbours and Profits From Global White Supremacy

From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 16, 2022

Base Mega, Novel Mathematics and Compression Method

Notes Taken During Music Creation 2022

No need to reinvent the wheel, instead carefully remove the two decades of global white supremacy from it. I rather make them eat the keyboard than read the solutions, QWERTY smiles for traitors.

Due to the majority of Muslim-eating nutcases in every room for two decades, what else can one expect?

The Nazi p3ck3rH34Ds and traitors, locked us out of our homes ..the kind of challenge that speaks to me, make them seek refuge in the cages that are still filled with their victims.

..listen for the wolf sound effect, signaling the uniform-stealing Nazi "Werewolves" in the scene ..leftover Nazi fanatics, that did not disappear after WWII awful pile of them to clean up in North America.

Math Hoffa cannot use the two lightning bolts, they are evidence the enemy still wears on their backs at "work", we have to collect ALL of that Nazi garbage from the sock drawers of constables and detectives, etc ..WHOLE buildings searched and destroyed at three in the morning ..F U assorted balaclava and Nazi symbol-wearing 455H0L35. Enemy "detectives" linger, proven traitors as was suspected.

I have been watching that mess, since Justin Trudeau toted his entire family on a matter of national security to India, a family trip that was a front for the acquisition of the surveillance technology ..every Trudeau national security-related moment, is a grand failure.

Des coupables qui courent apres des coupables, ca decourage. Tous des coupables mangeurs de musulmans de toute facon. Des CALICES de Nazis Juifs ..YARK!

Pegasys is a legacy proprietary software/ system, for monitoring access and alarms, that existed prior to the acquisition of ALL security corporations, by ONE Swedish conglomerate (Secur-it-455).

Who should be dealt with first, the Nazi detective or the genocide implementing lawyer?

They will both pay on paper, I mean for the blood they spilled each day while pretending they were at "work", during two decades of invasion and global white supremacist war crimes.

The wordplay, Studer Createo was often in my mind (YouTube Creator Studio).

Looking back, now we know ALL licensed radio stations were pirated radio-waves, serving global white supremacy "for a dollar and some IKEA furniture" (mercenary Nazi-helping majority that I despise).

Note: speaker mentioned Amerian Lawyer John Foster Dulles being a contributor drafting the Treaty of Versaille. The name Dulles, later produced a director of intelligence there a relation?

YES THERE IS! ..ah crap, sift that pile now.

People are paid to lie, denigrate and destroy the families of victims, for over seventy-five Nazi war criminal-harbouring years now ..traitors from every cultural heritage are caught working for the white supremacist invasion of ALL Commonwealth nations, since 2001 (perpetrators wore Nazi symbols under their armour in FORD patrol cars, during the past fifteen years of French Canadian family-killing war crimes).

I wake in the morning, training both hooks (still sitting in bed), ready to break the temple of the Nazi symbol-wearing detective, that lied to destroy our community and families (perpetrators had firearms and balaclavas) ..the lawless riffraff can continue to stare and drool if they like, as I defend my existence from the lethargic and awful.


Dilated pupils, high as a kite on victims he is targeting and eating.


Keywords: "Gottlieb WWII"

..another Gottlieb turd.

Actually, I think it may be the same Nazi turd, suited and titled as "Doctor Gottlieb" (ten years later), during the COVID impositions and crimes committed by sociopathic groups lawless Axis nations such as the USA, Israel and every infiltrated/ invaded Commonwealth nation.

Whether the same or not, that is one of many fattened traitors and Muslim-eating war criminals.

Pile of lying garbage, Nazi war criminal families, not in every case but the majority are guilty of indulging crimes against the North American victims, during the recent two decades. I have to sort them, on a per-case basis.

Nazi-helping traitors, I H8 ALL of you.

SHADDAP traitors ..there is a Royal Canadian Legion filled with Muslim-eating Nazi-harbouring sociopaths, that did not want to go "over the top", to say no to the invading enemy that killed my family.

Ki77 the traitors and bigot brigade Americans that infiltrated and invaded post 911, stop neglecting the war crimes of the American enemy.

Avez vous hates de vous faires executers? ..les berets verts c'est un organsime creer pour employer les Nazis, suite a leurs incarcerations aux Etats Unis.

50 ms eh? ..that is how long the enemy has to react. I measured a rate of twenty strikes per second, from an audio recording of me practicing forms at thirty-six. 100 ms for both jab and cross together, the latter slightly longer than the jab.

Hand Speed Analysis, Using Audio Signal Recording

Perpetrators have been playing games with North American lives since 2001. Turncoats killed our families, while working for the American white supremacist infiltration, during two decades of global white supremacy.

Echo Charles is missing a pillar for education, lopsided structure ..typical American, all food, fucking and fighting.

Is it cold enough yet? ..Canadians are coming for your rotten and guilty majority, 300 million Muslim-eaters.

Victims around the world have been defending their families and homes from Nazi-american criminals (to me, they are prisoners not soldiers).

Americans accidentally shot each other and the guilty Canadians, that were gullible enough to work for the enemy during two decades of wars, crimes and lawlessness.

Did a Muslim ever point a gun at you while invading your home? ..NO.

From 2001 to 2023, it paid nothing to be honourable and defend my country, against the infiltrating and invading American enemy.

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