Debut Ambient Album now on Bandcamp

in music •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemfriends. Given that my recording and touring schedule has "opened up" just a bit due to the pandemic, I've actually had time to release to Bandcamp a mastered and fussed over compilation of all the ambient tracks I posted to Steem while touring the country 2017-2020. I'd love for yall to check them out in their final packaged form, and if you dig it and can spare a purchase right now during all this mess ... every little bit helps get me through this and triumphantly back to touring and recording again. If nothing else, stream it free: your vaguely dystopian soundtrack to your new vaguely dystopian reality!


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Your creativity is boundless. Thanks for this. 🎧 Love the photo with the dog too.

Thanks sally!