The Significance of the Color Eigengrau

in music •  7 years ago 

When I decided to start posting about my synesthesia I had basic understanding of what I was experiencing.

I never thought about doing in-depth research concerning my synesthesia. I knew about what I was experiencing and what colors would have certain effects on me and my mood or so I thought...

I'm like most of the human population when it comes to colors. I'm not too familiar with all the shades of red and blue. Sure I can see the difference between navy blue and sky blue, who can't?

My entire life I thought a song was phenomenal when it made me see black only to discover recently that the color is in fact the color known as eigengrau.

I posted about it briefly in a previous post, but figured it's worth mentioning again, especially since black as it turns out is just the color I see when listening to a great song.

The darker the color I see when hearing a song as a whole, the more I like it. The brighter the color... well I think by now u should know.

Close your eyes and tell me what color you see... the color you see isn't black, it's in fact eigengrau.
Eigengrau is the color that humans see in complete darkness.

That's my vision when a song the caliber of Smells Like Teen Spirit comes on. That's also the color I see when Kill 'Em All by D'Mania comes on.

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