in music •  7 years ago  (edited)

In the 40 years since his death, Elvis’ shadow has never stopped to appear influential. Which Elvis should we cherish?

The teenager who took white country and western in one hand and black rhythm and blues in the other and joined them together to form rock ’n’ roll. The idol, Elvis, with his unique hip-swiveling, his incomparable voice and exceptional looks who mesmerized the world during the 50’s? The man in the black leather suit, back from Hollywood to reclaim his crown?

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Or the Elvis in the white jumpsuit who appeared on satellite for the first time in history, for the whole world to see? The gentleman who addressed every woman as ‘Ma’am’. The boy who brought black music to the white world. The musical genius who could sing any music they placed in front of him.

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Who was the real Elvis? They are all Elvis and that’s what makes him the King. Even in death is he remembered. He is one of the most written about men who has ever lived. Decades after his death, the Elvis (taking care of business) continues to go from strength to strength.

His voice never let him down. In the end, it is the voice that lives on.

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On his death, Jimmy Carter, President US, 1977, said the following:
“Elvis Presley’s death deprives our country of a part of itself. His music and his personality changed the face of American popular culture…. Elvis may be gone but his legend will be with us for a long time to come”

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His later life was darkened by many shadows, but it remains true that the young man Elvis brightened our world. What started as a novelty, has grown into a multi-billion-dollar pan-global industry.

No other artist has left such a permanent impression on our lives as Elvis. It is impossible to imagine a world without Elvis.

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Patrick Humphries; Elvis The #1 Hits; 2002


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My mum is the biggest Elvis fan ever!! I grew up in a house full of Elvis pictures everywhere including a mirror on the bathroom wall. Im now 42 and when I visit, I stay in the guest room wich is......'you guessed it' a dedicated shrine to Elvis with a six-foot figure of him right next to the bed. you literally couldn't find a space on the wall to hang another picture of him, even the dressing table is full of Elvis trinkets..........Great post it takes back to when i was a kid ;-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am so glad I am not alone. I received such a lot of posters, books etc. from people and was wondering what on earth shall I do with the posters and decided to put them in my bedroom. Someone asked me once if it is my husband? I just said I wish!! Thank you very much for sharing your mom's passion with me.

Oh @frieda I know how you love Elvis! Great post!

I love this song!

Thank you so much for the video. What a man, what a voice, what a personality! If he was still alive, guess I would have also thrown my panty on the stage!

Oh definitely...lol...

Wanneer gaan ons slaap?

Nee ek weet nie want Naomi het ook nou eers gepost...deurnag steemsessie vanaand!

I guess. As jy eers begin dan is daar geen keer nie. Alles wat jy sien en hoor verander in 'n moontlike 'post'

Wag voor julle gaan slaap. Ek wil ook iets in Afrikaans skryf. Ok, nou kan ons gaan slaap.

Dis die waarheid. As ek ry kry ek idees. Luan sit met my foon reg om notes te maak want ek vergeet te vinnig. Ek het orals lysies!

Ek moet se ek geniet dit baie. Dis harde werk en maak 'n mens moedeloos as dit so sleg gaan, dan wil ek net tou opgooi.......maar dan dink ek maar aan Columbus ........"sail on, sail on! "

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I was waiting for you to post about your passion. Your love for his music has made us all love it (by force). Even your grandchildren know when they hear him sing! Great post mom.

By force? It was by request, You could say "Elvis" before you could say mom!. Thanks Naomi

LOL!! Granted, but you bent the tree towards Memphis while it was still young. We have Elvis syndrome!

What a lovely syndrome to suffer from!

Nice post!

Thank you

A true king indeed not the king of north

Yes indeed, he never forgot where he came from and that is why he is so unique

Very well said

Looking forward to Part 2

Must say, I am now fired up, part 2 will come soon! There is such a lot to write about.

@joe007 Elvis part 2 posted

I think it's safe to say that there has never been a more larger than life music star in history. I can't think of any other musician that has had as broad and diverse fan base, spanning generations. What a voice!, as I'm typing this, I am listening to the King live in Vegas in 1970, on you tube.

I know that my screen name may sound like a bit of a slander against Elvis Presley, but it is just a light hearted reference to the King's comeback years, my favorite years for Elvis' music.

Thank you for your post. Upvoted