Recent bandcamp pickups, birthday edition

in music •  6 years ago  (edited)

Well, today's my birthday, and while I'm grabbing something from my wishlist on bandcamp, I thought I'd share that and some of the other great stuff I've gotten there recently(ish). Most of this stuff is electronic in nature, which should surprise nobody, but there's a pretty good variety here within that area I think.

Baøbab - Cassette Noire

This is the one I just got today, and is perhaps the hardest to describe. Psychedelic experimental hip-hop is a start, though some tracks veer more clearly into the experimental, and the hip-hop doesn't come in until a few tracks in. It's strange in a very good way, and like everything here, highly recommended.

Four Dimensional Nightmare - Transcending Radio

This is another one that's hard to categorize precisely, though I think it's fair to say it sits somewhere under the experimental umbrella. In some ways, it reminds me of early industrial music, incorporating a somewhat similar sound palette of mostly synthetic sounds, occasionally mixed with unconventional guitars and other perversions of 'traditional' instrumentation and vocals. This one has a companion release, Crystallized Carbon. Really good stuff.

Snowbeasts - Instincts

This act was brought to my attention by Ryan from Mechanoreceptor, which is another one you should check out. I guess you could call this 'ambient industrial', at least that's how I think of this kind of stuff. Maybe the kids would call it IDM? Whatever, just do yourself a favor and check it out.

Acidrodent - Below Absent Gods

This is a project I've been wanting to get into my virtual collection for some time. It's a project from T. Smith, who is also a member of another favorite of mine, mindFluxFuneral, and cohorts. It reminds me a bit of MFF during their heavier moments, though there is a different sound to this project overall. More on the industrial metal side of things, though that genre tag alone doesn't really describe it.

There you go, a few excellent things that may not have been on your radar. Hope you find something in there to love, and if you do, support the artists!

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