Gefrierbrands Equipment - Guitar Edition

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey again,

apart from wanting to share the meaning of our music, we will also give you some insights on us as people and other trivia about the band from time to time.

Our two Axemen always like to discuss equipment, so let us know what equipment you use - and why!

While on stage we use Engl Victor Smolksi Signature Edition (Frosch) and Bugera 6262 (Säsch) as the main Amps, we had the opportunity to go for a different direction when recording 2016's WELTENBRAND album:


Frosch went for the EVH 5150 Mark III, playing his PRS Custom 22 guitar. Säsch chose the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier, playing ESP LTD MH-350.

Want to know even more details? Frosch sticks on Jazz III plecs, Säsch likes special printed "Gefrierbrand" plecs with 1.25 and 1.5 thickness. Regarding cables, we usually use Klotz KIK in different lengths - but are currently testing out various Sommer Cables.
On live, we usually split the backline with other bands, so the 4x12 boxes are often different. We also use wireless systems to allow more movement on stage. Säsch additionally uses a "noname" noise gate due to the heavy output of his Bugera and a Tone City Model B effect, but other than that you won't find Wah's, delays or "special sound effects" on our shows. We always try to use the Amp/guitar sounds as basic as possible - but again, we also like to discuss equipment, so let us know what you use, prefer (....)

In our next post, we'll get back to our lyrics/songs/meanings \m/

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