Nuclear Blast new releases - most are meh

in music •  5 years ago 

If you are a metal fan there aren't that many labels that you can look to for new talent but Nuclear Blast is likely the largest with Roadrunner and Metal Blade perhaps being 2 and 3.

While Nuclear Blast doesn't focus exclusively on really hard metal, they are the ones that are likely to be the only people that would signs acts like Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, and Machine Head. Since I enjoy really hard metal, they are who i look to in order to get my fix. I'm just a little disappointed at the moment though.


I have to say that I am not terribly impressed with their latest releases in the past 2 weeks, except for one. We'll start with the ones that I consider to be less than stellar.

Strigoi: "Abandon all Faith"

from the official Nuclear Blast channel

I like really hard music, namely death, black metal, and melodic black metal, but i don't really even know what to categorize this as. Perhaps it is attempting to mimic old-school death metal but even though the ambiance created by the guitars is spooky, the lead singer has a very "cookie monster" way of singing that reminds me of Cannibal Corpse and I never really cared for that either.

The topics they cover involve what you would expect from bands of this type but unless you bother to read the lyrics (or see a lyric video) you are never going to know what they are. I suppose that is pretty old-school, but to be honest i think the industry is past that now. If that song above doesn't do it for you (and i doubt it will) then this one can get a hard pass.

Despised Icon: "Purgatory"

from the official Nuclear Blast channel

This album did NOT just drop. It was released back in September but is still being featured on the Nuclear Blast channel quite prominently. There are some really good beats and chord progressions that could really motivate me in the gym, but the monotony of the lyricist (again) would quickly get under my skin. I'm afraid that even if it is very difficult to do a "death growl," (and it is, try it one day) there simply needs to be more variety of the vocal patterns for me to stay interested.

For the gym, i think this album would really push me on the weights, for sure. Other than that though, I'm afraid there are just too many bands that sound exactly the same as this one for me to really rate it any higher than just a bit over "meh."

Opeth: "In Cauda Venenum"

At the end of our otherwise disappointing list of new releases we have something unexpected and fresh. Opeth had "calmed down" quite a lot in recent years and now seem to be looking for more a theatrical approach where the entire album is telling a story.

from the official Nuclear Blast channel

There are times that I almost feel as though I am listening to "The Wall" by Pink Floyd because there is an ongoing story both in the tracks and the videos. It isn't necessarily metal. It does have metal attributes but there is much more to these tracks and the harmonies are absolutely beautiful.

The album was simultaneously released in Swedish and English and both albums are exactly the same length because all the musicianship is the same other than the lyrics.

For the people out there that appreciate metal but aren't really down with "all the shoutin'!" this might be worth a look. I would imagine when they tour this new album that fans are going to be in for a treat because much like Dream Theater, this album is one long story.

Originally intended to be only in Swedish, the English versions of the songs might be a little lacking, but the mixtures of styles might hypnotic enough to compel a metal fan to carry on to the next rack.

I gotta say that I am a little disappointed with new releases from Nuclear Blast lately but this may have a lot to do with me being older and set in my ways. Music may have moved on and I am waiting for albums of my youth rather than looking to the horizon for what is yet to come. I still try to keep an open mind and check it all out regardless.... and i will continue to do just that even though other than Opeth it is very unlikely I am going to listen to any of these guys.

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Holy shit more heavy and new music to discover! Awesome. I am not too much into the strange places hardcore music is going with the lack of melody but love discovering new stuff no matter what.

I should send you some of the music I have recorded with Bandai have been in over the years. Some stoner metal and some southern metal. Heavier stuff but not crazy like the newest leading edge stuff.

Thanks for sharing dood!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

why not make a post about it. There isn't near enough music stuff on here and i did not know about this side of ya.

I did back in the day. Using Dsound. Put together recordings with album pictures, lyrics and stories on how each was written. It was early on so I only got crickets.

I may have to revisit and revise those?

I think you should. Sorry I wasn't around for the first batch. Give it another go! I'd support it for sure

Posted using Partiko Android

I am not a really huge metal fan, I have to say, but I was recently turned on to a band called BabyMetal by an old friend of mine. He has seen them in concert several times and loves them. I thought it was a joke when I first heard it, but it is pretty legit. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I think it is kind of cool. If you haven't heard them you should check them out. I'd love to know what you end up thinking. :)

BabyMetal is awesome and is one of my favorite bands. It somehow just works and i too didn't think it could but it just does.

And, that's why you just come take a seat and listen to papa Deadspace for all your music needs.

yeah! where you been dude. get the tune list out this week.

I was basically a corpse rubbing his nustsack and weeping to the sounds of Maroon 5 for the past week and a half. Got a bad tooth infection and was in immense amounts of pain, face started swelling up, got a large lump on my jaw, etc. Had 2 trips to the ER, a trip to the urgent care, several calls to the dentist and finally an emergency appointment there. Basically just been trapped in the shadow realm while also getting a reach around from the methed up tooth fairy.

I started feeling a bit better today though, which is good.

holy crap... never heard of this sort of thing happening from a tooth. you just been on a diet of Monster energy drinks and Nerds candy?

I've had a tooth that's needed a root canal for, like, 4 or 5 months. That's the main cause of the issue from what everyone can tell. The dentist I go to only has one person who can do root canals though, and they only come in once a month. So, I can basically pound sand up my dick hole for the most part as far as everyone is concerned.

But, hey, at least I'm not wishing for the sweet release of drowning myself in the toilet bowl now.

can't imagine that dude. But i do remember that dental care was rather expensive and elusive when i lived in the states. in South East Asia dental care costs next to nothing and the rather shit shopping mall 1km from my house has 3 clinic in it.

Fortunately i have never needed any sort of dental work like this, but i'm in my 40's so i know my card is coming up some day.

My insurance only covers a single dental clinic within 90 miles of where I live. So, it's either I deal with this garbage or have to plan a small vacation basically to be able to go to the god damn dentist. Shit fucking sucks ass and swallows.

Hope you don't have to worry about any dental issues anytime soon, dood. It's awful.

yeah, i keep hearing about how bad it is. I am pretty dedicated to good tooth brushin' and what not, but after never even having a cavity in more than 40 years on this planet, i know my time is coming for sure. It has to.